pnarimani / RTLTMPro

Right-To-Left Text Mesh Pro for Unity. This plugin adds support for Persian and Arabic languages to TextMeshPro.
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Regression In v3.4.3, Characters Go Missing, Worked Fine In v3.4.2 (only shows up in some fonts) #108

Open MotasemZakarneh opened 1 year ago

MotasemZakarneh commented 1 year ago

Tested with two versions its broken in the latest version, and it is a weird bug does not show up in all fonts.

First here is the font


The sentence i was testing with is: السلام عليكم when i used RTLTMPro.v3.3.0.unitypackage it worked just fine


but using v3.4.3.unitypackage it is broken (latest at the moment), it looks like this:


Literally, the only thing i did was install package, and remove package. Note: not sure if it effects anything, but in both tests i moved the package in a sub folder

This is the range i used for the font asset creation and its 2kx2k atlas resolution with padding of 5


Also, every time i reimported, i recreated the font assets.

Note: using Segiou (the one that came in the package) it works and using Amiri font (found on google) also worked. but i can not imagine it is an issue with the font, because in the older version mirza simply worked, i guess there are some requirements on which font to use ?

Note 2: i did one more test using RTLTMPro.v3.4.2.unitypackage and it worked, without the issue, so the change appeared only in the latest version.

Note 3: upon further testing it happens in other fonts, it happened in Arslan font as well

(A) Arslan Wessam A (A) Arslan Wessam

marcozakaria commented 10 months ago

Same issue with me was you able to solve it @MotasemZakarneh @hk1ll3r