pnbruckner / ha-life360

A Home Assistant integration for Life360.
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Should we update from v0.5.b07 to master release? (QUESTION) #20

Closed smarthomefamilyverrips closed 1 day ago

smarthomefamilyverrips commented 1 month ago

@pnbruckner As the subject says should we update from v0.5.0b7 to master (v0.5.0)?

pnbruckner commented 1 month ago

Yes. There are no functional changes between 0.5.0b7 & 0.5.0. It's just no longer a beta anymore.

smarthomefamilyverrips commented 1 month ago

Yes. There are no functional changes between 0.5.0b7 & 0.5.0. It's just no longer a beta anymore.

@pnbruckner Can I use HACS for this when I previously added the integration manually? If i check HACS I not see any versions or other information, the below is all I see.


pnbruckner commented 1 month ago

Depends on how you added it manually. If you created the custom_components/life360 folder and copied the files there, then yes, you should be able to upgrade via HACS. You'll probably need to click the three-dot menu at the top right and select "Update information". Then go back to the Integrations page. It might just show an update available. If not, go to the above page again, click the three-dot menu and select "Redownload". It should present 0.5.0 as a version to download.

If you installed the integration some other way (e.g., changed your compose.yml file, or cloned the repo and created a link in the custom_components folder), then I would suggest 1) disabling the Life360 integration entry, backing out the manual install, restarting HA, installing via HACS, restarting HA, and then re-enable the Life360 integration entry.

smarthomefamilyverrips commented 1 month ago

@pnbruckner I just did create the custom folder and copied the raw files into it, but if I select "update Information" nothing changes on my screen, also I not have the option "redownload" in the 3 dots menu, but this is probably because i never did download it through HACS yes (as you can see I still have the download button on lower right)

pnbruckner commented 1 month ago

Yep, I just noticed that. Click the download button and follow the normal HACS install process.

Hopefully it won't complain about the folder already existing, and will simply overwrite it.

smarthomefamilyverrips commented 1 month ago

Yep, I just noticed that. Click the download button and follow the normal HACS install process.

Hopefully it won't complain about the folder already existing, and will simply overwrite it.

@pnbruckner I did do the install through HACS and all good, now running v0.5.0 👍

Thanks for your work and finding the energy to still pick this up again even while they not make it easy on you from the side of life360 💯

I will keep testing the integration and will let you know if any issues pop-up.

I will not close this issue at this moment maybe it helps others that have same question. Of course if you prefer to close it feel free to do so as for me it is solved.