pnedev / comparePlus

Compare plugin for Notepad++
GNU General Public License v3.0
961 stars 139 forks source link

[Request] Compare "From" - "To" Column #354

Closed Krammig closed 1 year ago

Krammig commented 1 year ago

Many times it is necessary to compare two files, say for example a Bat / Text file that has a long list of instruction. For example a series of regsvr32 /s in one file and regsvr32 /u /s in another file. Just as an example ...

To be able to run a compare on the two files where you could specify the starting "Column" in each of the two files (different in each file) would be in my mind a great addition to this plugin.

pnedev commented 1 year ago

Hi, If you are talking about the ComparePlus plugin it has Ignore Regex option in the menu that can do that. I am not good with regular expressions but I think it won't be hard to come-up with the right one that will suit your needs ("ignore the first N of any character from start of line" or "ignore the first any characters from start of line to the first X character", etc.). As another example if you use as a Regex directly regsvr32 you will ignore all regsvr32 in each line. Tell me if that works for you. BR

pnedev commented 1 year ago

Hello again, As far as I understood from to ignore the first N number of characters (so to start comparing each line from column N) you could use Ignore Regex... with this pattern: ^.{N} I will close this issue now. If you have further questions feel free to write here continuing this thread or create another issue. Thanks.