pnext / three-loader

Point cloud loader for ThreeJS, based on the core parts of Potree
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Help using pnextThreeLoader with react #126

Open mikisf opened 1 year ago

mikisf commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to use this library with my react project but I'm struggling to make it work. The first issue I run into was the error: "window is not defined", which I was able to solve it by importing the component dynamically without server side rendering, doing it like so:

const PNextThreeLoader = dynamic(
  () => import("../components/PNextThreeLoader"),
    ssr: false,

After, I tried loading the example pointcloud like this:

useEffect(() => {
    if (sceneVar === undefined) return;
    const baseUrl = "";
        .loadPointCloud("cloud.js", (url) => `${baseUrl}${url}`)
        .then((pco) => {
            potreeVar.updatePointClouds([pco], cameraVar, rendererVar);
            rendererVar.render(sceneVar, cameraVar);
}, [sceneVar]);

but I'm not able to see the lion and there is no error in the console. I've created a sandbox so you can test it:,3-76,18&workspaceId=9764f67d-193b-4747-b7a4-e67f33e4cfb2 Or in this github repo: Thanks in advance ;)

vanilla-tiramisu commented 1 month ago

How did you deal with this problem then? Struggling to make it work too...

im-hamza-dev commented 2 weeks ago

@vanilla-tiramisu you can check this example folder from this repository:

main.ts and viewer.ts properly provide the implementation with threejs scene