pnext / three-loader

Point cloud loader for ThreeJS, based on the core parts of Potree
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Seems not support camera changements #37

Open jean-noelp opened 5 years ago

jean-noelp commented 5 years ago


I'm trying to dynamically change the camera from Perspective to Orthographic. As a consequence, I use the good camera when I'm calling:

potree.updatePointClouds([ptCloud], cam, gl);

The problem is that even if the view is effectively changed, the point cloud seems to get stuck at the minimum LOD. Is there an other operation to properly do this camera switch ?


rhuitl commented 5 years ago

Hi @jean-noelp, can you please check if that problem still exists with version 0.0.19 which includes a fix related to orthographic cameras (

jean-noelp commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reply. I updated the library with this commit, and now I have this behavior:

With PerspectiveCamera, before changing camera, the point cloud is full: Capture d’écran 2019-04-02 à 14 47 11

Then, I switch into Ortho, and the point cloud stop loading but partially: Capture d’écran 2019-04-02 à 14 47 39

And to finish, when I come back into perpective, the point cloud definitively stop the point cloud loading partially: Capture d’écran 2019-04-02 à 14 47 56

So it seems that the pb is partially resolved!

rhuitl commented 5 years ago

Which point size mode do you use? If you use adaptive mode, please try attenuated or fixed.

jean-noelp commented 5 years ago

I tried all modes with no differences for the moment.. I'm continuing researches...