pngwn / MDsveX

A markdown preprocessor for Svelte.
MIT License
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New user #use issues #546

Open dirk-bester opened 8 months ago

dirk-bester commented 8 months ago

install 10/10 will do it again, and I use pnpm

use instructions left me baffled though. Nothing matches up with what I see in my svelte.config.js which comes from creating sveltekit as per the svelte website. pnpm create svelte@latest stateofthechart

I had to google to figure out how to handle the standard vitePreprocess I already had. The real solution is probably svelte-add pnpm dlx svelte-add@latest mdsvex

They do preprocess: [vitePreprocess(), mdsvex(mdsvexConfig)]. My initial hack got those reversed.

Perhaps the instructions can be updated to add this very common case?

I am willing to do the work required for this if it is deemed necessary. It would fix/avoid a number of open issues where the manually hacked config is missing parts and causing errors for people.

pngwn commented 8 months ago

I would happily accept a PR to update the docs!