Figure sizes, font sizes, fonts, and more configurations at minimal overhead. Fix your journal papers, conference proceedings, and other scientific publications.
It would be easier to look into this with a minimal reproducing example posted as part of the issue instead of attaching a zip folder (e.g. based on this one). Is that possible? :)
Currently, 3d plots are not scaled correctly (e.g. labels get cut off, plot is not using whole available width in text) when using
plt.rcParams.update(bundles.icml2022(column="full", nrows=1, ncols=1, usetex=False))
plt.rcParams.update(bundles.icml2022(column="half", nrows=1, ncols=1, usetex=False))
formatting commands. Example code with a dummy 3d data array, the respective plots and a image of the initial problem are added.
The example code was derived from: