pnnl / HyperNetX

Python package for hypergraph analysis and visualization.
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Hyperedges incorrectly being drawn around all nodes #31

Closed epideveloper closed 4 years ago

epideveloper commented 4 years ago

When drawing a hypergraph with 95 nodes and 154 edges, many hyperedges are incorrectly encircling all of the 95 nodes. See the example provided below where no edges contain more than 3 nodes, but most of the 154 hyperedges are being drawn around all nodes.

Output: hypernetx_error

Output (cropped): hypernetx_error_cropped

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from hypernetx import *

edges = [

hpgph = Hypergraph(edges)

plt.figure(figsize=(80, 80))
draw(hpgph, ax=plt.subplot(111), with_edge_labels=True)
brendapraggastis commented 4 years ago

There are limits to the number of edges you can draw in limited space. I constructed your hypergraph and found two nodes have disproportionately high degrees and you have multiple singletons, nodes contained in a single edge. I suggest visualizing pieces of your hypergraph by restricting to a subset of nodes. I started by restricting to the 6 nodes with highest degree and collapsed the multi-edges: image

Then I skipped the three nodes with greatest degrees and generated a sequence of plots adding one node at a time to see how the visualization developed. Below is a sequence after adding 36 nodes. I recommend playing with different combinations of nodes based on what relationships you wish to highlight.
