pnp / List-Formatting

List Formatting Samples for use in SharePoint and Microsoft Lists
MIT License
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I have a question about JSON code in lists #801

Closed UndefinedUser101 closed 1 month ago

UndefinedUser101 commented 1 month ago

My apologies if this isn't the right place to post this question. If I should redirect it, please let me know where it should be. Thanks.

I work in a smaller organization and for whatever reason PowerApps has been disabled. I am trying to create a ticket tracking system that allows users to submit data (MS Form?), automatically take that data and put it into a MS List ticket tracking system, and use a MS Teams channel to collaborate with the user on the issue. Is this even possible without PowerApps, and if so, where do I begin?

Again, not specific to MS Lists formatting - just don't know where else to ask this question. Any help on where I can begin (without PowerApps) would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

tecchan1107 commented 1 month ago

Hi @UndefinedUser101 !

As you mentioned, this question may not seem to be directly related to List Formatting. Therefore, it may not be appropriate to discuss it in this repository.

Hmmm... How about asking your question in the Microsoft Tech Community? I believe this site allows questions and discussions about SharePoint in general. (My apologies if my perception is incorrect.)

UndefinedUser101 commented 1 month ago

@tecchan1107 I'll give that a try. Thank you!