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Add-PnPFile -values not working correctly #2990

Open LukasMarsch opened 3 years ago

LukasMarsch commented 3 years ago


When I want to add a file with Keywords as a Property they don't appear.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a Test file and copy as path

  2. Get the proper column names in Library settings from the column URL ...Field = TaxKeywords, ...Field=Description, ...Field=RevisionComments

  3. Connect to SPO Connect-PnPOnline -Url ""

  4. Set up a content variable for example $content = @{ TaxKeywords = "Keyword" Description = "Description" RevisionComments = "Comment" }

  5. Upload the File Add-PnPFile -Path "C:\Test\Test.txt" -Folder "/Groot/Upload" -values $content

Expected behavior

Keywords show up as a Property in the Sharepoint Folder

Actual Behaviour

Keyword doesn't upload

Runner Version and Platform SharePointPNPPowerShell 3.26.2010.0 PowerShell 5.1.18362.1110 OS Windows 10


LukasMarsch commented 3 years ago

Is anybody actively trying to solve this problem other than me or can i tell the customer that uploading keyword-metadata simply not possible atm?