pnp / PnP-PowerShell

SharePoint PnP PowerShell CmdLets
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Connect-PnPOnline- with an option of -ClientId and -ClientSecreat connects successfully but then get unauthorized(401)) for subsequent request example Get-PNPList etc. #3028

Open AnkitSDesai opened 3 years ago

AnkitSDesai commented 3 years ago

Expected Behavior:

Article for the reference.

Actual behavior

-Get 403 Unauthorized. image

Steps to reproduce behavior

commands: -Connect-PnPOnline -Url ### ClientId "###" -ClientSecret "###"

Which version of the PnP-PowerShell Cmdlets are you using?

What is the version of the Cmdlet module you are running?


How did you install the PnP-PowerShell Cmdlets?