pnp / PnP-PowerShell

SharePoint PnP PowerShell CmdLets
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Identifying workflow instances #781

Open Gizmo3k opened 7 years ago

Gizmo3k commented 7 years ago

Reporting an Issue or Missing Feature

Missing Feature

Expected behavior

Resume-PnPWorkflowInstance and Stop-PnPWorkflowInstance allow you to change the status of workflow instances, however I can't see a way to identify what instances are already in progress. Both of these cmdlets require to to give the identity of the instance you wish to manipulate, how do I obtain that Identity?

Actual behavior

A way to get the currently running instances of workflows.

Specifically, I want to be able to identfy workflows that are in a 'Suspended' stage, so that I can terminate them.

It would also be very useful if we could start a given workflow on a list/library item.

Steps to reproduce behavior


Which version of the PnP-PowerShell Cmdlets are you using?

What is the version of the Cmdlet module you are running?

SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline v 2.11.1701.1

How did you install the PnP-PowerShell Cmdlets?

crossan007 commented 6 years ago

I have this same request - I've got a list with a few hundred items with workflows in a "paused" state because the site feature "Workflows can use app permissions" was turned off at some point.

I need to enumerate existing workflow instances, filter by state, and stop/re-start.