pnp / PnP-Sites-Core

Microsoft 365 Dev PnP Core component (.NET) targeted for increasing developer productivity with CSOM based solutions.
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Lists not provisioned correctly - fields missing in list content type #1449

Open r998877 opened 6 years ago

r998877 commented 6 years ago


[x ] Bug [ ] Enhancement


[ ] Office 365 / SharePoint Online [ ] SharePoint 2016 [x ] SharePoint 2013

If SharePoint on-premises, what's exact CU version: 15.0.4911.1000

OfficePnP Core version: 2.20.1711.0

Expected or Desired Behavior

Custom lists are provisioned correctly. Custom fields are added to the Item list content type.

Observed Behavior

Custom fields are missing in the Item list content type.

Steps to Reproduce

Site A: image

Site B: image

r998877 commented 6 years ago

Downgraded to SharePointPnPCore2013 version 2.18.1709.1 --> Works Bug exists since version 2.19.1710 (tested)

RonWasabi commented 6 years ago

Also applies to SharePointPnPCore2016

NormanMann commented 6 years ago

I experienced the same problem in SharePoint Online with SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline (2018-02)

loldot commented 6 years ago

I have also experienced this issue with sharepoint online

efucaraccio commented 6 years ago

I have also experienced this issue. Any news?

wgv-randerson commented 6 years ago

seeing same issue myself, when creating custom task list.

source site:

  1. Create custom task list from task list template from SP UI
  2. add column. column has Task CT in 'Used in'
  3. Add/Edit custom task list and column is visible
  4. Get-PnPProvisioningTemplate -Out "C:\temp\pnp\TargetBHGProjectSitetemplate.xml"

Target site:

  1. Apply-PnPProvisioningTemplate -Web $web -Path $path
  2. column does not have Task CT in 'Used in'
  3. Add/Edit custom task list and column is not visible
Laul0 commented 4 years ago

Here the same issue !

  1. Create a Custom List with custom field in my "Site Template"
  2. Get-PnPProvisioningTemplate
  3. Apply-PnPProvisioningTemplate on an other site collection
  4. The columns exist but they are not attached/mapped to Item Content Type (Used in is empty)

Current workaround:

  1. Create custom site columns
  2. Create a custom content type with site columns
  3. Then, add the custom content type to the target list

Any new about this behavior?

aniljbhatia commented 3 years ago

Any updates on this issue? I am seeing it in SharePoint Online.

sandeepvootoori commented 3 years ago

I am facing the same issue. Any alternatives for SPO?