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New command: m365 spe containertype register #6049

Open Adam-it opened 1 month ago

Adam-it commented 1 month ago


m365 spe containertype register [options]


Register the Container Type


Option Description
-i, --id [id] The Id of the Container Type. Specify either id or name but not both.
-n, --name [name] The Container Type name. Specify either id or name but not both.


Register the Container Type using name

m365 spe containertype register --id '4ec4aefd-4fa3-0e4a-20c3-6e68389e7138'

Register the Container Type using id

m365 spe containertype register --name 'test container'

Default properties

No response

Additional Info

we may use the SharePoint REST PUT request


with the following body

    "value": [
            "appId": "{{ClientID}}",
            "delegated": ["full"],
            "appOnly": ["full"]
        }    ]
milanholemans commented 1 month ago

Hi @Adam-it, few questions

{ "value": [ { "appId": "71392b2f-1765-406e-86af-5907d9bdb2ab", "delegated": ["full"], "appOnly": ["full"] } ] }

intikhabalam commented 1 month ago

i am unable to use this, i am getting following errors.

PS C:\Users\IntikhabA\Downloads\abc> m365 spe containertype register --id 'a07be3cc-91fb-45d1-9564-77d2a9ac7be3' Command 'spe containertype register' was not found. Below you can find the commands and command groups you can use. For detailed information on a command group, use 'm365 [command group] --help'. image

do i need to install something new?

MathijsVerbeeck commented 1 month ago

@intikhabalam That is because the command still has to be implemented and not available for use just yet.

intikhabalam commented 1 month ago

i am stuck with a production level problem. can you any one give me any easy way to register my containerType with azure entra app registration?

Adam-it commented 1 month ago

i am stuck with a production level problem. can you any one give me any easy way to register my containerType with azure entra app registration?

sorry @intikhabalam for the late reply. In order to register Container Type with the consumer’s tenant you need to use SharePoint Rest v2.1 for that. you may use the following endpoint {{RootSiteUrl}}/_api/v2.1/storageContainerTypes/{{ContainerTypeId}}/applicationPermissions which is a PUT request with the following body

    "value": [
            "appId": "{{ClientID}}",
            "delegated": ["full"],
            "appOnly": ["full"]

Please be aware for in order for this to work you will need to use application authentication method with cert.

Check out the SharePoint Embedded Sample Apps. There you will find a postman collection which will give you everything you need to set up and get started with SPE. You may find this request in the collection as well.


for a more comprehensive overview which also explains the registration I highly recommend AC blog post

Hope it helps and allows you to move forward

Adam-it commented 1 month ago
  • Looking at the docs, it seems like we have to provide a request body with app ID and permission scopes. Don't we need additional options for this?

thanks @milanholemans for pointing it out. I kinda assumed it is just common knowledge and probably was in a bit of a hurry. I updated the docs

  • I find it a bit tricky to execute this request on the root URL of the SharePoint tenant. This would mean that the user needs permission to this site right? I see it's displayed like this in the docs, so maybe there is no other way to do this?

this request should be run as an app

intikhabalam commented 1 month ago

thank you @milanholemans , @MathijsVerbeeck for reply, I tried both ways but getting 'access denied' error. I am a bit confused about the body of Registration ContainerType also. it contains a section for graph explorer AppId also. { "value": [ { "appId": "a07be3cc-91fb-45d1-9564-77d2a9ac7be3", "delegated": ["full"], "appOnly": ["full"] }, { / This adds the Graph Explorer AppId to your Container Type with full permmissions on delegated access. Note that you cannot create Containers with Graph Explore as those calls must be made with a confidential client, and Graph Explorer only creates public client tokens. But other APIs, include the Drive and DriveItem related calls, should work. / "appId": "de8bc8b5-d9f9-48b1-a8ad-b748da725064", // Graph Explorer AppId "delegated": ["full"], "appOnly": ["none"] //Graph Explorer only supports delegated auth } ] }


i have tried with or without graph App Id but i get the error for all calls :( I followed the viotanos and microsoft SPE article but getting failure always :(

Adam-it commented 4 weeks ago

@intikhabalam TBH I did not have this issue and I am not sure what might be it's source. Does the app you are using to perform the registration has the MS Graph and SharePoint API permissions added?

Adam-it commented 2 weeks ago

@intikhabalam did you had any luck? @pnp/cli-for-microsoft-365-maintainers any other comments or may we open this up?

milanholemans commented 1 week ago
  • I find it a bit tricky to execute this request on the root URL of the SharePoint tenant. This would mean that the user needs permission to this site right? I see it's displayed like this in the docs, so maybe there is no other way to do this?

this request should be run as an app

Does this mean we can't use this command in delegated mode? If so, shouldn't we make a check for that?