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Populate word table template Flow Sample #67

Open shaheerahmadch opened 5 months ago

shaheerahmadch commented 5 months ago

What's in this Pull Request?

Explore a comprehensive guide on automating document generation using Power Automate. This tutorial focuses on dynamically populating a Word template with data retrieved from Microsoft Dataverse and storing the generated document in OneDrive for Business.

🚀 This automation simplifies the document creation process, reducing manual efforts and ensuring consistency in your generated documents.


Katerina-Chernevskaya commented 4 months ago

Hi @shaheerahmadch ,

Thank you for your sample! Could you please check the solution, especially dependencies? During the import, I was blocked with missing dependencies: image

Thank you in advance!

Katerina Ch.

shaheerahmadch commented 4 months ago

@Katerina-Chernevskaya updated dependencies

Katerina-Chernevskaya commented 4 months ago

Hi @shaheerahmadch ,

Thank you for the updates! I was able to import the solution so far, however, it was imported with the following warning: image

The flow in the imported solution is Off, and when I tried to turn it on I received the error: image

It seems that you hardcoded the file in the OneDrive action in the flow. It is better to use a dynamic path to avoid such warnings.

Could you please check and update the flow?

Thank you!

Regards, Katerina Ch.