pnp / powerplatform-samples

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New Sample - Sudoku Game #69

Closed ArashAghajani closed 4 months ago

ArashAghajani commented 5 months ago

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What's in this Pull Request?

Solution with Canvas App (Sudoku Game)


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ArashAghajani commented 4 months ago

Hi @ArashAghajani ,

Thank you for this interesting sample! I really like Sudoku and how you build the sample! I generated the solution from the source code, added the sample.json file, and I'm going to merge your PR.

Thanks again! Great work!

Regards, Katerina

Hi @Katerina-Chernevskaya ,

You are very welcome! I'm thrilled to hear that you found the sample interesting. Thanks for your kind words and recognition of the efforts put into this work.

Best, Arash