Thank you for reporting an issue, suggesting an enhancement, or asking a question. We appreciate your feedback - to help the team understand your
needs please complete the below template to ensure we have the details to help. Thanks!
Please check out the documentation to see if your question is already addressed there. This will help us ensure our documentation is up to date.
[ ] Bug
Please specify what version of the library you are using: [3.12.0]
Expected / Desired Behavior / Question
People picker should be accessible to users when the control is used in a Teams application and the user is in high contrast mode
Observed Behavior
When teams is using high contrast mode the following behaviour is observed:
The drop down area that shows a list of search results uses white text on a white background when the mouse hovers over one of the items
When a user is selected the persona control within the people picker control shows white text on a white background
Steps to Reproduce
The issues was recreated by creating a new SPFX webpart with a single people picker control and deploying this to sharepoint and teams
Thank you for reporting an issue, suggesting an enhancement, or asking a question. We appreciate your feedback - to help the team understand your needs please complete the below template to ensure we have the details to help. Thanks!
Please check out the documentation to see if your question is already addressed there. This will help us ensure our documentation is up to date.
[ ] Bug
Please specify what version of the library you are using: [3.12.0]
Expected / Desired Behavior / Question
People picker should be accessible to users when the control is used in a Teams application and the user is in high contrast mode
Observed Behavior
When teams is using high contrast mode the following behaviour is observed:
The drop down area that shows a list of search results uses white text on a white background when the mouse hovers over one of the items
When a user is selected the persona control within the people picker control shows white text on a white background
Steps to Reproduce
The issues was recreated by creating a new SPFX webpart with a single people picker control and deploying this to sharepoint and teams