Thank you for reporting an issue, suggesting an enhancement, or asking a question. We appreciate your feedback - to help the team understand your
needs please complete the below template to ensure we have the details to help. Thanks!
Please check out the documentation to see if your question is already addressed there. This will help us ensure our documentation is up to date.
[ ] Enhancement
[X] Bug
[ ] Question
Please specify what version of the library you are using: [ 3.18.1]
Expected / Desired Behavior / Question
If I fill out my form, it will create a functioning rest api call to push the new item to the list.
Observed Behavior
If i place my webpart with the dynamic form on a page it creates a faulty rest api call and does not proceed:
Steps to Reproduce
Create a spfx webpart and use the dynamic form to add items to an existing list
add this spfx solution to your tenant and add it on a new page located in sitepages but not as homepage
Thank you for reporting an issue, suggesting an enhancement, or asking a question. We appreciate your feedback - to help the team understand your needs please complete the below template to ensure we have the details to help. Thanks!
Please check out the documentation to see if your question is already addressed there. This will help us ensure our documentation is up to date.
[ ] Enhancement
[X] Bug
[ ] Question
Please specify what version of the library you are using: [ 3.18.1]
Expected / Desired Behavior / Question
If I fill out my form, it will create a functioning rest api call to push the new item to the list. https://\<tenant>/sites/\<site>/_api/web/lists('49fb78de-3a82-4627-affd-534862428ca8')?$select=ListItemEntityTypeFullName
Observed Behavior
If i place my webpart with the dynamic form on a page it creates a faulty rest api call and does not proceed: https://\<tenant>/sites/\<site>/SitePages/_api/web/lists('49fb78de-3a82-4627-affd-534862428ca8')?$select=ListItemEntityTypeFullName
Steps to Reproduce