While adding a site column or list column to the list/library manually, there are two options available "Add to all content types" and "Add to default view"
But while doing the same thing using the site script the "Add to all content types" option is missing.
Steps to Reproduce
Attach the below site script to a site design and create a site with that template. The result will be under the Site Pages library of the newly created site.
Expected or Desired Behavior
While adding a column to a list, we should get an option for adding it into all the content types.
"verb": "createSPList", "listName": "Site Pages", "templateType": 119, "subactions": [ { "verb": "addSPField", "fieldType": "Text", "displayName": "Customer Name", "isRequired": false, "addToDefaultView": true, "addToAllContentTypes":true (This option is missing) } ]
Observed Behavior
While adding a site column or list column to the list/library manually, there are two options available "Add to all content types" and "Add to default view"
But while doing the same thing using the site script the "Add to all content types" option is missing.
Steps to Reproduce
Attach the below site script to a site design and create a site with that template. The result will be under the Site Pages library of the newly created site.
$teamScript=@' { "$schema": "schema.json", "actions": [ { "verb": "createSPList", "listName": "Site Pages", "templateType": 119, "subactions": [ { "verb": "addSPField", "fieldType": "Text", "displayName": "Customer Name", "isRequired": false, "addToDefaultView": true, "addToAllContentTypes":true } ] }
], "bindata": { }, "version": 2 } '@