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[X ] Question
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Expected or Desired Behavior
We try to attach a command bar to a newly created list with the 'associateListViewCommandSet' subaction, but all we get is an error that something went wrong.
Could you please give an example on how to use this action and the intended use for it? What's the title used for for example?
Thank you for reporting an issue or suggesting an enhancement. We appreciate your feedback - to help the team to understand your needs, please complete the below template to ensure we have the necessary details to assist you.
Expected or Desired Behavior
We try to attach a command bar to a newly created list with the 'associateListViewCommandSet' subaction, but all we get is an error that something went wrong.
Could you please give an example on how to use this action and the intended use for it? What's the title used for for example?
Best regards, Phil