pnp / sp-dev-site-scripts

Repository for sample SharePoint site designs and site scripts
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Display name is not set correctly with site script action - createSiteColumnXml #44

Open ACPMichaelG opened 3 years ago

ACPMichaelG commented 3 years ago


Expected or Desired Behavior

I wanna create a site column with site script and site design through "createSiteColumnXml" and the column should created with all properties set in the xml.

Observed Behavior

When I create a new site or update an existing one by applying the site design, the column would be created but the display name is not set correctly. The DisplayName property is ignored.

DisplayName in site script: Short Description DisplayName after column creation: ShortDescription

Steps to Reproduce

If you are reporting a bug please describe the steps to reproduce the bug in sufficient detail to allow testing. Only way to fix things properly, is to have sufficient details to reproduce it. If you are making a suggestion, you can delete this section.

Submission Guidelines

Site script actions { "verb": "createSiteColumnXml", "schemaXml": "<Field Type=\"Note\" DisplayName=\"Short Description\" Required=\"TRUE\" EnforceUniqueValues=\"FALSE\" Indexed=\"FALSE\" NumLines=\"6\" RichText=\"TRUE\" RichTextMode=\"FullHtml\" IsolateStyles=\"TRUE\" Sortable=\"FALSE\" Group=\"ACP PFM\" ID=\"{90b23616-512b-4f3c-8a89-e68430ea76d2}\" StaticName=\"ShortDescription\" Name=\"ShortDescription\" CustomFormatter=\"\" RestrictedMode=\"TRUE\" AppendOnly=\"FALSE\" UnlimitedLengthInDocumentLibrary=\"FALSE\" Customization=\"\" AllowDeletion=\"TRUE\" />", "pushChanges": true