Open lexidliny opened 2 years ago
Thank you ! I have tested this code on my computer and I get "Segmentation fault (core dumped)". How do I fix this fault? The face_landmark_cpp program works well on my computer with ubuntu 18.04.
Can you show your detailed error? I tested on my computer and it ran normally. Did you compile Debug or Release mode? If you compile with Debug mode, try again with Release mode.
I have tried again, and I located this error in the my::DetectionPostProcess::getHighestScoreDetection function.
@lexidliny, did you change the define values in DetectionPostProcess.hpp? They are different from those of Face landmark model.
I found that I forgot to modfy the path to anchors.csv. Now it works well. Thank you !
It seems that the accuracy is not as good as mediapipe. Is it caused by palm_detection_without_custom_layer.tflite ?
It seems that the accuracy is not as good as mediapipe. Is it caused by palm_detection_without_custom_layer.tflite ?
@lexidliny, if i remember correctly, the landmark model works best with straight up hand. Therefore, from the detection model, you should:
You can get the straight up direction from palm and middle finger landmark (2 of the output landmarks from detection model)
HI @lexidliny, i have a separate branch for it. Hope this help.