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Archived meteorology data for BlueSKY #259

Open zli867 opened 2 years ago

zli867 commented 2 years ago

Hi Joel, I think BlueSKY model accepts ARL data as meteorology input. I have tried to input some archived meteorology data for BlueSKY while it has some problems ( The data I have tried: HRRR 3 km (June 2019 - present): The localmet generates profile.txt correctly while the output does not have any extracted meteorology data such as DIFR, DIFW or HGTS, etc. And I cannot use the output to run sev plumerise model. I attached the profile and DEBUG log here. profile.txt HRRR_log.txt

NAM 12 km (May 2007 - present): The localmet does not generate profile.txt correctly. The error code is: Skipping failure: profile failed with exit code -8. I attached the detailed log here. nam_log.txt

Weather Research & Forecasting Model (WRF ARW, 1980 - present): The localmet does not generate profile.txt correctly. The error code is: profile failed with exit code 132. I attached the detailed log here. wrf_log.txt

I think these files downloaded via NOAA are ARL format and its format can be checked by a utility which is provided by HYSPLIT. Do you have any ideas for the reason of this issue? Or do you have any recommendations for archived meteorology data to run BlueSKY localmet and sev model?

Thanks, Zongrun

jdubowy commented 2 years ago

Hi Zongrun. The localmet profile utility and ARL data in general are more in the expertise of one of my colleagues. I've reached out to him to see if he can answer your questions.

robert-airfire commented 2 years ago

for the nam 12km data, it is typically every three hours (although there does exist a 36hr hourly version). if it is the case that you're using that version where the data is every 3 hours, you need to update the config (config > localmet > time_step) (thanks joel) as for the hrrr i'll need to download an hrrr arl file and take a look (i've never used them before). it may be that it doesn't actually have all the fields you need. there can be quite a bit of variability in the contents of arl files across the different met sources.

zli867 commented 2 years ago

Thank you all. NAM 12km works really well for SEV model after changing the time step.

robert-airfire commented 2 years ago

i'm having issues w/the hrrr arl files myself. not sure what is going on w/them. i can get a list of times out of it but usually get a decode error when looking at the data (and end of files thing). might be an error related to which hysplit version is being used but that is only a guess. if you're looking for a higher res met source you might try the NAM 3km instead of the HRRR.