pnxenopoulos / awpy

Python library to parse, analyze and visualize Counter-Strike 2 data
MIT License
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Unable to parse demos #10

Closed nkashyap14 closed 3 years ago

nkashyap14 commented 3 years ago

I cloned the latest version of the repo and ran the install. I then tried to open a jupyter notebook file and parse a demo but whenever I do so I get this error.

Command I am running:

from csgo.parser import DemoParser

# Create parser object
# Set log=True above if you want to produce a logfile for the parser
demo_parser = DemoParser(demofile = "og-vs-natus-vincere-m1-dust2.dem", demo_id = "OG-NaVi-BLAST2020", parse_rate=128)

# Parse the demofile, output results to dictionary
data = demo_parser.parse()
IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-7eb1ec812df7> in <module>
      8 # Parse the demofile, output results to dictionary
----> 9 data = demo_parser.parse()

~\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\csgo\parser\ in parse(self, return_type)
    146             A dictionary of output
    147         """
--> 148         self._parse_demo()
    149         self._read_json()
    150         if self.json:

~\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\csgo\parser\ in _parse_demo(self)
    115         stdout =
    116         output = [event.decode("utf-8") for event in stdout]
--> 117         self.output_file = output[0]
    118         if os.path.isfile(self.output_file):
    119   "Wrote demo parse output to " + self.output_file)

IndexError: list index out of range

I know this is a similar issue to what another person raised but in his case the log files at least listed something. These are my logs with the last message indicator being that it is looking for a demo file.

Go version>=1.14.0
18:56:00 [INFO] Go version>=1.14.0
Initialized CSGODemoParser with demofile C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\og-vs-natus-vincere-m1-dust2.dem
18:56:00 [INFO] Initialized CSGODemoParser with demofile C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\og-vs-natus-vincere-m1-dust2.dem
Setting demo id to OG-NaVi-BLAST2020
18:56:00 [INFO] Setting demo id to OG-NaVi-BLAST2020
Setting parse rate to 128
18:56:00 [INFO] Setting parse rate to 128
Running Golang parser from C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\csgo\parser\
18:56:00 [INFO] Running Golang parser from C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\csgo\parser\
Looking for file at C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\og-vs-natus-vincere-m1-dust2.dem
18:56:00 [INFO] Looking for file at C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\og-vs-natus-vincere-m1-dust2.dem
Go version>=1.14.0
18:58:07 [INFO] Go version>=1.14.0
Initialized CSGODemoParser with demofile C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\natus-vincere-vs-astralis-m1-dust2.dem
18:58:07 [INFO] Initialized CSGODemoParser with demofile C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\natus-vincere-vs-astralis-m1-dust2.dem
Setting demo id to na-vi-astralis
18:58:07 [INFO] Setting demo id to na-vi-astralis
Setting parse rate to 64
18:58:07 [INFO] Setting parse rate to 64
Running Golang parser from C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\csgo\parser\
18:58:07 [INFO] Running Golang parser from C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\csgo\parser\
Looking for file at C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\natus-vincere-vs-astralis-m1-dust2.dem
18:58:07 [INFO] Looking for file at C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\natus-vincere-vs-astralis-m1-dust2.dem
Go version>=1.14.0
18:58:08 [INFO] Go version>=1.14.0
Initialized CSGODemoParser with demofile C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\og-vs-natus-vincere-m1-dust2.dem
18:58:08 [INFO] Initialized CSGODemoParser with demofile C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\og-vs-natus-vincere-m1-dust2.dem
Setting demo id to OG-NaVi-BLAST2020
18:58:08 [INFO] Setting demo id to OG-NaVi-BLAST2020
Setting parse rate to 128
18:58:08 [INFO] Setting parse rate to 128
Running Golang parser from C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\csgo\parser\
18:58:08 [INFO] Running Golang parser from C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\csgo\parser\
Looking for file at C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\og-vs-natus-vincere-m1-dust2.dem
18:58:08 [INFO] Looking for file at C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\og-vs-natus-vincere-m1-dust2.dem

Go + Python version: go version go1.16.2 windows/386 Python 3.8.4

The environment I'm working in is local jupyter notebooks. I have even tried running the example notebooks you ship with the repo along with the specific demo that you test with and I am getting the same error. Any ideas?

pnxenopoulos commented 3 years ago

Hi @nkashyap14, thanks for checking out the library. I reran the code locally, and it executed on my Linux machine. Quick question -- do you see a file named og-vs-natus-vincere_de_dust2.json in the same directory where you ran the parser?

In any case, my guess is that the error for these lines:

    115         stdout =
    116         output = [event.decode("utf-8") for event in stdout]

has to do with Windows. What is happening in these lines is that the Go code is writing the name of the JSON file to standard out. I have an idea for how to fix this, and I think my original code may not be optimal/incompatible with Windows. I mull it over the next day or so, and get back to you with a fix. If you have access to a Mac or Linux machine, I suggest trying the code on there as well, to double-check.

nkashyap14 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the quick response. I'll definitely spin up a different environment and test the code there as well.

pnxenopoulos commented 3 years ago

Here's what I just pushed:

I changed the code to write out a json called <demo_id>.json. The old version had map name in the title, but that is redundant since the map name is one of the top-level keys in the json.

The build ran, so give it a try, and let me know if it fixed the problem.

nkashyap14 commented 3 years ago

Command Run:

demo_parser = DemoParser(demofile = "og-vs-natus-vincere-m1-dust2.dem", demo_id = "OG-NaVi-BLAST2020", parse_rate=128, log=True)

Jupyter Cell Output:

FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-cd037ba95003> in <module>
      8 # Parse the demofile, output results to dictionary
----> 9 data = demo_parser.parse()

~\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\csgo\parser\ in parse(self, return_type)
    146         """
    147         self._parse_demo()
--> 148         self._read_json()
    149         if self.json:
    150   "Successfully parsed JSON output")

~\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\csgo\parser\ in _read_json(self)
    128         json_path = self.outpath + "/" + self.output_file
    129"Reading in JSON from " + self.output_file)
--> 130         with open(json_path) as f:
    131             demo_data = json.load(f)
    132         self.json = demo_data

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\nikhi\\desk\\CS_DEMOS\\parser\\csgo/OG-NaVi-BLAST2020.json'


Go version>=1.14.0
Initialized CSGODemoParser with demofile C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\og-vs-natus-vincere-m1-dust2.dem
Setting demo id to OG-NaVi-BLAST2020
Setting parse rate to 128
Running Golang parser from C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\csgo\parser\
Looking for file at C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\og-vs-natus-vincere-m1-dust2.dem
No file produced, error in calling Golang
Reading in JSON from OG-NaVi-BLAST2020.json

As you can see it says no file produced error in calling Golang which essentially means the issue I'm getting is at 117 in in _parse_demo where the output file does not exist as a json file. I also do not see the json file being created. Does this mean there is an issue with golang on my end? I don't think it should when I run the go version command via cli I get go version go1.16.2 windows/386 as output. Does this mean that there is an error in running the go parser as a process in the python program? Is this an environment issue and do you recommend I just switch to a linux environment?

pnxenopoulos commented 3 years ago

Do you see a demoparser.log in C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\csgo\parser\ ? If so, what are its contents?

I would also recommend a Mac or Linux environment, as that's where I develop/test most of the package. However, it's important we also sort out this error on your Windows environment, as well.

nkashyap14 commented 3 years ago

No I see a csgo_demoparser.log in C:\Users\nikhi\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\ which is where I moved the example workbooks and am running it from as well. That is where the log I posted from my last comment is coming from as well. I don't see a demoparser.log in the location you mentioned.

nkashyap14 commented 3 years ago

Managed to spin up a ubuntu instance via wsl and set up a python 3.6 golang 1.16.1 environment on it and I'm parsing smoothly there. As such take your time on this issue as I have found a workaround. I would appreciate you figuring out the issues with windows environments however as that is typically what I use. Thanks for your prompt responses so far.

pnxenopoulos commented 3 years ago

@nkashyap14 could you try pulling the new release and checking if the problem on Windows persists?

nkashyap14 commented 3 years ago
FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-cd037ba95003> in <module>
      8 # Parse the demofile, output results to dictionary
----> 9 data = demo_parser.parse()

~\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\csgo\parser\ in parse(self, return_type)
    146         """
    147         self._parse_demo()
--> 148         self._read_json()
    149         if self.json:
    150   "Successfully parsed JSON output")

~\desk\CS_DEMOS\parser\csgo\csgo\parser\ in _read_json(self)
    128         json_path = self.outpath + "/" + self.output_file
    129"Reading in JSON from " + self.output_file)
--> 130         with open(json_path) as f:
    131             demo_data = json.load(f)
    132         self.json = demo_data

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\nikhi\\desk\\CS_DEMOS\\parser\\csgo/OG-NaVi-BLAST2020.json'

Still getting an error where it can't find the json file

pnxenopoulos commented 3 years ago

Perhaps it has to do with the pathing. C:\\Users\\nikhi\\desk\\CS_DEMOS\\parser\\csgo/OG-NaVi-BLAST2020.json -- there's a "/" in there. Can you try opening the json file in Python by doing

import json

with open("C:\\Users\\nikhi\\desk\\CS_DEMOS\\parser\\csgo\\OG-NaVi-BLAST2020.json") as f:
    data = json.load(f)

and see if that works?

nkashyap14 commented 3 years ago

sorry for the late reply. Turns out in windows for some reason that json file is not even being created. It constantly evaluates to false at line 121 for

if os.path.isfile(self.output_file):

For some reason its not producing that json file on my windows environment. However on the linux environment its working fine.

pnxenopoulos commented 3 years ago

I see. Looking back at the log you produced, I see No file produced, error in calling Golang. Perhaps it has to do with the pathing in the Go file. Could you move the demofile to C:\\Users\\nikhi\\desk\\CS_DEMOS\\parser\\csgo\\parser, run go run parse_demo.go --demo <demofile name> --parserate 128 --demoid test --out ., and show the contents?

nkashyap14 commented 3 years ago

I get this response "go tool: no such tool "asm""

I tried installing it via tools but those commands give me the same answer. I don't have much experience with golang so nothing at first sight comes to mind. I'm digging in on stack overflow still. As I said though I still have the repo running on wsl

LaihoE commented 3 years ago

This library is just what I needed, if only I could get it to work. I think it's related to what is discussed above. Tried on windows and ubuntu, same error.

go: missing go.sum entry; to add it:
    go mod download
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/emill/PycharmProjects/csgoparse/csgo/", line 11, in <module>
    data = demo_parser.parse()
  File "C:\Users\emill\PycharmProjects\csgoparse\csgo\csgo\parser\", line 154, in parse
  File "C:\Users\emill\PycharmProjects\csgoparse\csgo\csgo\parser\", line 136, in _read_json
    with open(json_path) as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\emill\\PycharmProjects\\csgoparse\\csgo/benu.json'
LaihoE commented 3 years ago

Downgraded Go to 1.15 and got it working on Windows

pnxenopoulos commented 3 years ago

@nkashyap14 have you seen this Stack Overflow post? Does it help? And if not, did downgrading Go to 1.15 work?

@LaihoE I'm not sure the issues are the same -- can you open a separate issue and output any *.log files that were generated? If they are indeed the same then I will simply close the issue you created.

nkashyap14 commented 3 years ago

@nkashyap14 have you seen this Stack Overflow post? Does it help? And if not, did downgrading Go to 1.15 work?

@LaihoE I'm not sure the issues are the same -- can you open a separate issue and output any *.log files that were generated? If they are indeed the same then I will simply close the issue you created.

Will try later today and see.

pnxenopoulos commented 3 years ago

Hi @nkashyap14 and @LaihoE -- last night @arjun-22 successfully installed the package on Windows. He had Go 1.16 (installed following the instructions on the Golang site) and Python>3.7

Could you both try pulling the latest repository code (made some updates last night), ensure you have Go 1.16 and then try installing?

nkashyap14 commented 3 years ago

@pnxenopoulos Sorry I realized I forgot to reply. I downgraded to golang 1.15 and had gotten it working on windows!