Closed cinadr closed 4 years ago
Do you need more info with this?
Yes, I need more time in the day. đ I'll try to help as quick as I can but since this is my hobby it can be slow sometimes.
What is the URL to your website and what is the locale you want?
Thank you for answering, and I didn't want to disturb you with my question. I really need more of my free time too, I really understand that.
The site is Toszeg weather It is a small village in Hungary near Szolnok. The locale is Hungarian (hu_HU.UTF-8)
Thank you for helping me out. The locale definition of time fpr Hungarian is HH:MM:SS, but the almanac displays HH.MM.SS. The date is incorrect also as for Hungarian it should be YYYY.MM.DD but it shows YYYY-MM-DD. Nowhere in my configs I declared such a thing and I cannot find where it is coming from. I even parsed some of your python code files but I'm not good at that. I assume that the $almanac record (or what it is called in python) is coming from weewx libraries? So it might be a weewx issue? My weewx version is 3.9.2.
This is my skin.conf (included in weewx.conf)
HTML_ROOT = /var/www/weewx
skin = Belchertown
belchertown_root_url = ""
belchertown_locale = "hu_HU.UTF-8"
site_title = "TĂłszeg idĆjĂĄrĂĄsa"
logo_image = "/images/Toszeg.png"
radar_html = ""
station_observations = "barometer", "dewpoint", "outHumidity", "rainWithRainRate", "UV", "radiation", "windchill", "cloudbase"
manifest_name = "TĂłszeg IdĆjĂĄrĂĄsa"
manifest_short_name = "TI"
mqtt_websockets_enabled = 1
mqtt_websockets_host = ""
mqtt_websockets_port = 9001
mqtt_websockets_ssl = 1
mqtt_websockets_topic = "toszeg73/loop"
forecast_enabled = 1
darksky_secret_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
darksky_lang = "en"
highcharts_enabled = 1
graph_page_show_all_button = 0
graph_page_default_graphgroup = "day"
highcharts_homepage_graphgroup = "day"
footer_copyright_text = "TĂłszeg idĆjĂĄrĂĄs - Zimmermann Zsolt"
footer_disclaimer_text = "Fontos döntéseket ne alapozzon az itt låtható adatokra!"
rainWithRainRate = EsĆ
# Navigation Menu
nav_home = "FĆoldal"
nav_graphs = "Grafikonok"
nav_records = "CsĂșcsĂ©rtĂ©kek"
nav_reports = "Jelentések"
nav_about = "NĂ©vjegy"
# Default page headers
home_page_header = "IdĆjĂĄrĂĄs adatok"
graphs_page_header = "Grafikonok"
records_page_header = "CsĂșcsĂ©rtĂ©kek"
reports_page_header = "Jelentések"
about_page_header = "NĂ©vjegy"
powered_by = "AdatforrĂĄs: <a href="">Renkforce WH2600 </a> idĆjĂĄrĂĄs ĂĄllomĂĄs"
# DarkSky translations
alert_in_effect = "ĂrvĂ©nyes: "
forecast_last_updated = "FrissĂtĂ©ve: "
clear = "Tiszta"
darksky_rain = "EsĆ"
snow = "HĂł"
sleet = "Havas esĆ"
windy = "Szeles"
fog = "Ködös"
overcast = "Borult"
partly_cloudy = "EnyhĂ©n felhĆs"
hail = "JĂ©gesĆ"
thunderstorm = "Vihar"
tornado = "TornĂĄdĂł"
# Home Page Text and Titles
second = "mĂĄsodperc", "mĂĄsodperc"
minute = "perc", "perc"
hour = "Ăłra", "Ăłra"
sun = "Nap"
moon = "Hold"
sun_and_moon = "Nap Ă©s Hold"
moon_visible = "megvilĂĄgĂtva"
daily_forecast = "részletek"
wind_speed = "sebesség"
wind_gust = "lökés"
feels_like = "Ărzet"
highest_temperature = "Magas"
lowest_temperature = "Alacsony"
forecast_header = "8 napos elĆrejelzĂ©s"
header_last_updated_alert = "MegjegyzĂ©s: Az oldal nem volt mostanĂĄban frissĂtve, elavult adatokat mutathat!"
header_last_updated = "UtolsĂł frissĂtĂ©s:"
mqtt_websockets_connecting = "ĂlĆ kapcsolat az idĆjĂĄrĂĄs ĂĄllomĂĄssal."
mqtt_websockets_waiting = "Kapcsolat létrehozva."
mqtt_websockets_connected = "Kapcsolatban. UtolsĂł adatcsomag: "
mqtt_websockets_stopped = "Az Ă©lĆ kapcsolat megszƱnt."
mqtt_websockets_continue = "ĂlĆ kapcsolat indĂtĂĄsa."
mqtt_websockets_failed = "Hiba a kapcsolĂłdĂĄsban. PrĂłbĂĄlja kĂ©sĆbb!"
mqtt_websockets_lost = "Hiba a kapcsolĂłdĂĄsban. PrĂłbĂĄlja kĂ©sĆbb!"
weather_snapshots = "IdĆjĂĄrĂĄs szĂ©lsĆsĂ©gek"
weather_snapshots_link = "Ăsszes szĂ©lsĆsĂ©ges adat megtekintĂ©se"
snapshot_high = "Magas"
snapshot_low = "Alacsony"
snapshot_today_avg_wind = "Ătlagos szĂ©l"
snapshot_today_high_wind = "LegerĆsebb szĂ©l"
snapshot_today_high_uv = "LegerĆsebb UV"
snapshot_today_rain = "Mai csapadék"
snapshot_today_rainrate = "IntenzitĂĄs"
snapshot_month_avg_wind = "Ătlagos szĂ©l"
snapshot_month_high_wind = "LegerĆsebb szĂ©l"
snapshot_month_high_uv = "LegerĆsebb UV"
snapshot_month_rain = "Csapadék"
snapshot_month_rainrate = "IntenzitĂĄs"
earthquake_title = "Legutóbbi helyi földrengés"
earthquake_magnitude = "MagnitĂșdĂł"
homepage_graphs_link = "RĂ©szletek"
copyright = "SzerzĆi jog"
# Almanac Popup
close = "Rendben"
almanac_more_details = "Tovåbbi részletek"
almanac_modal_title = "CsillagĂĄszati informĂĄciĂłk"
sun_always_down = "<a href="" _target="blank">Teljes Ă©jszaka</a>"
sun_always_up = "<a href="" _target="blank">ĂjfĂ©li nap</a>"
more_than_yesterday = "több, mint tegnap"
less_than_yesterday = "kevesebb, mint tegnap"
start_civil_twilight = "<a href="" _target="blank">PolgĂĄri szĂŒrkĂŒlet</a> kezdete"
rise = "Felkel"
transit = "ĂthaladĂĄsi idĆ"
set = "Lenyugszik"
end_civil_twilight = "<a href="" _target="blank">PolgĂĄri szĂŒrkĂŒlet</a> vĂ©ge"
azimuth = "<a href="" target="_blank">Irånyszög</a>"
altitude = "<a href="" target="_blank">MagassĂĄg</a>"
right_ascension = "<a href="" target="_blank">RektaszcenziĂł</a>"
declination = "<a href="" target="_blank">DeklinĂĄciĂł</a>"
equinox = "<a href="" target="_blank">NapĂ©jegyenlĆsĂ©g</a>"
solstice = "<a href="" target="_blank">NapfordulĂł</a>"
total_daylight = "Teljes nappali fény"
full_moon = "Telihold"
new_moon = "Ăjhold"
phase = "HoldfĂĄzis"
full = "telĂtettsĂ©g"
install_pyephem = "A rĂ©szletes csillagĂĄszati adatok megjelnĂtĂ©sĂ©hez a pyephem modul telepĂtĂ©se szĂŒksĂ©ges."
# Graphs Page Text and Titles
graphs_page_all_button = "Ăsszes"
graphs_windrose_frequency = "Frekvencia"
graphs_windDir_ordinals = '{ 0: "E", 90: "K", 180: "D", 270: "Ny", 360: "E" }'
# Records Page Text and Titles
records_ending = "utolsĂł nap:"
records_days_text = "nap"
records_all_time = "Teljes idĆtartam"
records_temperature_records = "HĆmĂ©rsĂ©kleti csĂșcsok"
records_high_temp = "Legmagasabb hĆmĂ©rsĂ©klet"
records_low_temp = "Legalacsonyabb hĆmĂ©rsĂ©klet"
records_high_apptemp = "Legmagasabb lĂĄtszĂłlagos hĆmĂ©rsĂ©klet"
records_low_apptemp = "Legalacsonyabb lĂĄtszĂłlagos hĆmĂ©rsĂ©klet"
records_high_heatindex = "Legmagasabb hĆindex"
records_low_windchill = "Legalacsonyabb hĆĂ©rzet"
records_largest_temp_range = "Legnagyobb napi hĆingadozĂĄs"
records_smallest_temp_range = "Legkisebb napi hĆingadozĂĄs"
records_wind_records = "SzĂ©lsebessĂ©g csĂșcsok"
records_strongest_wind = "LegerĆsebb szĂ©llökĂ©s"
records_daily_windrun = "Leggyorsabb napi szélsebesség"
records_rain_records = "CsapadĂ©k csĂșcsok"
records_highest_daily_rainfall = "Legtöbb napi csapadék"
records_highest_daily_rainrate = "LegerĆsebb napi intenzitĂĄs"
records_month_high_rainfall = "Legtöbb havi csapadék"
records_total_rainfall = "Teljes csapadék mennyiség"
records_consec_days_with_rain = "Leghosszabb csapadĂ©kos idĆszak"
records_consec_days_without_rain = "Leghosszabb csapadĂ©kmentes idĆszak"
records_humidity_records = "PĂĄratartalom csĂșcsok"
records_high_humidity = "Legnagyobb pĂĄratartalom"
records_lowest_humidity = "Legkisebb pĂĄratartalom"
records_highest_dewpoint = "Legmagasabb harmatpont"
records_lowest_dewpoint = "Legalacsonyabb harmatpont"
records_barometer_records = "LĂ©gnyomĂĄs csĂșcsok"
records_high_barometer = "Legmagasabb légnyomås"
records_low_barometer = "Legalacsonyabb légnyomås"
records_sun_records = "NapsugĂĄrzĂĄs csĂșcsok"
records_high_solar_rad = "LegintezĂvebb napsugĂĄrzĂĄs"
records_high_uv = "Legmagasabb UV index"
# NOAA Reports Page Text and Titles
reports_title = "NOAA jelentések"
reports_click_here_link = "Itt"
reports_view_more = "megnézheti a közvetlen jelentést vagy a hónap/év neve alatt a többi NOAA adatot."
# moment.js default labels formats
time_earthquake = "LLL"
time_lastUpdated = "LLL"
time_snapshot_records_today_header = "LL, dddd"
time_snapshot_records_month_header = "YYYY. MMMM"
time_sunrise = "LT"
time_sunset = "LT"
time_darksky_alert_expires = "LLL"
time_darksky_forecast_date = "MM.DD. ddd"
time_forecast_last_updated = "LLL"
time_mqtt_websockets_last_updated = "LL, LTS"
time_records_page_full_date = "LL"
time_records_page_month_day_year = "LL"
time_records_page_rainfall_range_begin = "YYYY.MM.DD"
time_records_page_rainfall_range_end = "MM.DD"
# This section sets a label to be used for each type of unit.
centibar = " cb"
cm = " cm"
cm_per_hour = " cm/h"
degree_C = " °C"
degree_F = " °F"
degree_compass = "°"
foot = " lĂĄb"
hPa = " hPa"
inHg = " inHg"
inch = " in"
inch_per_hour = " in/h"
km = " km"
km_per_hour = " km/h"
km_per_hour2 = " km/h"
knot = " csomĂł"
knot2 = " csomĂł"
mbar = " mbar"
meter = " méter"
meter_per_second = " m/s"
meter_per_second2 = " m/s"
mile = " mérföld"
mile_per_hour = " mph"
mile_per_hour2 = " mph"
mm = " mm"
mmHg = " Hgmm"
mm_per_hour = " mm/h"
percent = " %"
volt = " V"
watt_per_meter_squared = " W/mÂČ"
day = " nap", " map"
hour = " Ăłra", " Ăłra"
minute = " perc", " perc"
second = " mĂĄsodperc", " mĂĄsodperc"
NONE = ""
Has this been solved? If so, how and where do we set it? For me the issue is that the Almanac popup shows me AM-PM time formats, while I've set weewx and skin.conf to use military time, i.e. HH:mm:ss etc.
Thanks in advance!
I have hungarian locale in the skin and it works on every page (even in graphs). But I cannot change alamanac info to my locale. It displays a weird format which is not in moment.js database. The format uses dashes for date separator and dots for time separator.
How can I change this? Is it a bug? Weewx 3.9.2 Belcher 1.0.1
Thank you.