I am having two issues with this plugin. The first issue is that I have the following settings:
modes = {
ataraxis = {
-- Instead of toggling TrueZen, for some reason,
-- just quit when commands like "q" are used.
quit = nil,
This setting has worked as expected for every filetype, except markdown files. I am unsure why this is the case. I have tried a fresh install of neovim with only truezen and just this configuration, but still have this issue.
The second issue is that, for some reason, truezen always shows a statusline on the top of the window when in markdown files. I have tried disabled my statusline before turning on truezen, uninstalling my statusline, etc. but nothing works.
I am having two issues with this plugin. The first issue is that I have the following settings:
This setting has worked as expected for every filetype, except markdown files. I am unsure why this is the case. I have tried a fresh install of neovim with only truezen and just this configuration, but still have this issue.
The second issue is that, for some reason, truezen always shows a statusline on the top of the window when in markdown files. I have tried disabled my statusline before turning on truezen, uninstalling my statusline, etc. but nothing works.