pocheshire / BottomNavigationBar

Bottom Navigation Bar for Xamarin
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Is it posssible to change the Font and/or Fontsize when using fixed sized tabs? #31

Closed escamoteur closed 5 years ago

escamoteur commented 7 years ago


unfortunately the text of one of my Tabs gets truncated although there is enough space. The same Tab on iOS is displayed completely.

Any chance how this could be changed?

Best THomas

escamoteur commented 7 years ago

Or can the Spacing of the Tabs be modified? So that more Text is displayed?

pocheshire commented 7 years ago


See "Text Labels" section: https://material.google.com/components/bottom-navigation.html#bottom-navigation-style



escamoteur commented 7 years ago

Actually there is said don't truncate text.

It would be enough space, but it's truncated.


shnaz commented 7 years ago

@pocheshire first of all thanks for this great component.

I have the same issue where my titles are truncated, is it possible to change the fontsize of the tab-titles?

Best regards

MalmoIt commented 7 years ago

Any progress on this, @pocheshire ?

MatFillion commented 7 years ago

I'm having a similar issue, I would like to reduce the padding around labels so that relatively short text (like Trending in @escamoteur 's screenshot) would fit. Is there any alternative?

amalmo commented 7 years ago

@escamoteur @MatFillion @shnaz I worked around this issue by setting the text appearance style on the bottom bar.


And then in the style

  <style name="TabTextStyle" parent="@android:style/TextAppearance.Medium"> 
    <item name="android:textSize">10dp</item> 
    <item name="android:textColor">#747474</item> 

No more truncated text for my case at least!

Srusti-Thakkar commented 6 years ago

@amalmo , Please can you tell me how can I use this for only Specific device in android? Like Moto e Truncate Page Title, But Galaxy J7 displays perfectly.