pock / weather-widget

Stay updated with the latest weather forecast for your current location.
5 stars 5 forks source link

Idea: Automatic location #9

Closed turannul closed 1 year ago

turannul commented 1 year ago

This feature definitely missing in widget.

turannul commented 1 year ago

This app seems not maintained

cshariq commented 1 year ago

I have implemented this in a pull request that i made, since this project seems to be unmaintained i compiled it myself.

If you'd like to use the updated weather widget, you can download it by clicking download on the menubar and opening it(double click), it will automatically install and replace the existing weather widget in pock: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Avh9vuHTyquQgdEJkt0NEVijldRXzQ?e=wtfRRY

Make sure you give pock location permissions because the weather widget now dynamically updates your location using the bing maps api instead of a preset.

turannul commented 1 year ago

Credits to @cshariq You can find widget with requested feature here