pocketnetteam / pocketnet.core

Decentralized social network based on the blockchain
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Official Docker Run Command Does Not Work #622

Closed cahlenlee closed 7 months ago

cahlenlee commented 8 months ago

Running the official Docker command listed in the main ReadMe doesn't work:

"sudo docker run -d --name=pocketnet.main --ulimit nofile=65536:65536 --log-driver local --log-opt max-size=10m --log-opt max-file=3 -p 37070:37070 -p 38081:38081 -p 8087:8087 -v /var/pocketnet/.data:/home/pocketcore/.pocketcoin pocketnetteam/pocketnet.core:latest"

Results in this output, but no running container:


lostystyg commented 8 months ago

Please exec docker logs 5bd24e652d1da8dedd0f73741320fbb2bbe1b90545babc5f7edba917793ed9b3 or whatever was the last output from docke run ... command and provide an output here. Might there be the same error as in #623?

cahlenlee commented 8 months ago

Yes, same error.

lostystyg commented 8 months ago

So the same workaround applies. You can pass --user root:root argument to your command or manually create datadir and ensure it is owned by 1000:1000