pocketnetteam / pocketnet.gui

Decentralized social network based on the blockchain
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How to configure the preferred node to use? #554

Open jkaldon opened 2 years ago

jkaldon commented 2 years ago

I have setup a linux box with pocketcoind on my internal network and it is fully sync'd against the blockchain. I then opened Bastyon on my mac and tried to find a way to designate all communication to go through my personal node. However, I couldn't find any way to do this and enter my node's ip, ports, rpc username and password.

Then, I found the nodes file located at /Application/Bastyon.app/Contents/MacOS/data/nodes and manually entered my node's details there. (btw, what should I use for the id field?) After restarting Bastyon, I was able to see the node under Manage->System, but it was not used by default. So, I clicked on the lightening bolt and confirmed that I want to make it usable. Then I scrolled to the top of the list and clicked on the circle to cause it to connect.

This all worked...but only for a short while. I think it lost my new node settings after restarting Baston on my mac. When I look at the nodes file, my node and settings are still present...but Bastyon no longer connects to my node.

I also read through the codebase to see if there was a commandLine parameter that I could use...but I found nothing.

Any help would be appreciated! If I need to, I can submit a PR to add this functionality in some way...but I'm hoping that I have just missed something.

Thanks, - Joshua

Screenshots follow:

Node Log Output Bastyon Manage System

shpingalet007 commented 2 years ago

@jkaldon, thank you for contacting us! Any questions related to nodes you can address on core@pocketnet.app

jkaldon commented 2 years ago

@jkaldon, thank you for contacting us! Any questions related to nodes you can address on core@pocketnet.app

That sounds like the wrong place for this question. This is specifically asking about GUI configuration.

andyoknen commented 2 years ago

@jkaldon Adding your node in a regular way would be very useful. Now, so that your client does not lose "your" node, you can try to click on the checkmark icon again to get a lock.

andyoknen commented 2 years ago

@jkaldon I have a suspicion that this functionality exists, but is disabled. Pay attention to the proxy in GUI settings (at the top of the page with the list of nodes) - Electron Proxy - maybe it makes sense to try to make yourself a proxy administrator. Data/settings file admins section

jkaldon commented 2 years ago

@jkaldon Adding your node in a regular way would be very useful. Now, so that your client does not lose "your" node, you can try to click on the checkmark icon again to get a lock.

I must be missing something. How does one add a node in the "regular way"? I haven't seen a screen that includes the username or password for connecting to a node.

andyoknen commented 2 years ago

@jkaldon I also can't find this functionality now - I think it needs to be improved here. For Electron Proxy, it is possible to add your own node (IP, RPC Port, WS Port, Login and Password).

About fixing the node - here is a screenshot of the lock I was talking about

jkaldon commented 2 years ago

@jkaldon I also can't find this functionality now - I think it needs to be improved here. For Electron Proxy, it is possible to add your own node (IP, RPC Port, WS Port, Login and Password).

Screen Shot 2022-07-21 at 6 33 12 PM

I don't really understand why this is called a "proxy" if it is connecting directly to a node. In any case, my screen does not have options for Login or Password.

Thanks you for all your help. Also, I'm really glad you guys were able to silence all of those bot accounts. Keep up the good work. :)

- Joshua

jkaldon commented 2 years ago

About fixing the node - here is a screenshot of the lock I was talking about:...

Oh, I see now. I never would have thought that could be clicked on a second time to "lock" it. Thanks again!

jkaldon commented 2 years ago
Screen Shot 2022-07-21 at 10 00 16 PM

Unfortunately, after restarting the application, I get this message.

andyoknen commented 2 years ago

@jkaldon A proxy is an internal transport service that connects the client part and nodes. Try to enable additional logging on your node and track whether your client is working with your node

cli logging +rpc

jkaldon commented 2 years ago

jkaldon A proxy is an internal transport service that connects the client part and nodes. Try to enable additional logging on your node and track whether your client is working with your node

cli logging +rpc

It only works during the first session. After that, it starts up and shows the notice below. Nothing shows up in the rpc logging and no connections to my node are shown in the output of netstat.

- Joshua

Screen Shot 2022-07-25 at 5 51 15 PM Screen Shot 2022-07-25 at 5 49 10 PM
andyoknen commented 2 years ago

@jkaldon I think this functionality needs to be raised and implemented if it is not in a hidden form. I do not know who could do this..