pocomane / MiSTer_Batch_Control

Simple utility to control the MiSTer FPGA from the command line
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Hacky way to load VHD sd images for ZXNext core #21

Closed Xalior closed 2 years ago

Xalior commented 2 years ago

This is a "not great" way to support switching VHDs on the ZXNext platform. It works by using the Escape key to generate pauses while the SD image is mounted. I've done this because many ZXNext games are provided as custom SD cards (modern day physical media/ROM carts, basically) and I wanted a way to use images of the many original games I own on my MiSTer test system.

This DEFINITELY isn't the best way to support it, but it seems to work for me.

Edit: I'm using it with the following command

mbc load_all /media/fat/_Computer/ZXNext_20210409.rbf /media/fat/games/ZXNext/game_name.vhd


pocomane commented 2 years ago

I added the '!m' shortcut in the key sequence, that let you to wait for mount point changes. The first time you call it, it will read the mount table and return immediately. The next times it will wait until something changes in the mount table from the previous call. So your sequence should become EEMODODOMUU!mO!m.

However I can not directly test it for the ZXnext, so if you can give it a try would be great. In the case it does not work, I added also a '!s' sequence that just wait for one second, so at least you can use EEMODODOMUUO!s.

Xalior commented 2 years ago

Ah, I couldn't find those documented anywhere before -- cheers!!

That's great I'll give it some testing and update my pull request - thanks very much.

pocomane commented 2 years ago

Yes, I added this feature after you pull request ;) Thanks for the feedback!

Xalior commented 2 years ago

Very small tweak - moving the first !m to before opening the VHD in the file browser, which makes this work great on the whole three games I tested it on!

Much less hacky than my original attempt. Thanks for the additional pause commands.
