podaac / swodlr-ui

User Interface for On-Demand Raster Generation System
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UI Bug Fixes (Part 1) #72

Open viviant100 opened 8 months ago

viviant100 commented 8 months ago
jbyrne6 commented 7 months ago

@davidcolemanjpl , below listed are the items I have fixed of the list that were deemed top priority by @viviant100. They are deployed to SIT for testing. I am going to make a PR against the release 1.0.0 branch since these are all bug that are essential to get into v1. Let me know if I have the go-ahead to deploy these to UAT for your testing. I will continue to fix the other bugs on this list but let me know what other items you think are absolutely essential for v1.0.0 release.

  1. When generating products using map spatial search option (BBOX), various warnings display while scenes are being retrieved / added ("The scenes entered are not available." "Some scenes entered are not available.")
  2. 'Configure Products' should not be an option after adding scenes in UI, as this configuration already occurred via Select Scene 'Configure Options' (top of the Customization page in UI)
  3. Customization page in UI - user unable to delete Added Scenes. When refreshing the page after added scenes removed/deleted, the deleted scenes re-appear in SWODLR UI
  4. Customization page in UI - Map sizing issues. The size of map should remain in place. The Map in UI should not randomly re-size (e.g., after sizing, and navigating through menus, and back to customization page w/ map or when refreshing the page)
  5. 'My Data' page in UI: (user only can only view / display 10 rows of generated data in UI) Generated Products Data do not retain in UI (Should pagination or page numbers be Implemented ?)
  6. 'Configure Options / Products' page - advanced options 'Scenes to Customize' - User unable to toggle or select all of the row options for UTM Zone Adjust or MGRS Band Adjust
  7. Tutorial modal does now start when you click the Tutorial navbar button when on certain pages.
jbyrne6 commented 7 months ago

@davidcolemanjpl, the bugs listed in the above comment are now deployed to UAT for your testing.

davidcolemanjpl commented 7 months ago

SWODLR (SIT/UAT) - (v1.0 Pre-Alpha):

note: SWODLR UI (UAT) – AWS raster create workflow executions are still not completing as expected. User unable to locate footprint scenes on the map in SWODLR UAT UI (using Spatial Search Options) Also observed AWS service-swodlr-sit-raster-create execution errors in SWODLR UI (SIT) - ( "SDS threw an error")

@jbyrne6 - FYI - regarding the items that were recently fixed "...that were deemed top priority...":

  1. When generating products using map spatial search option (BBOX), various warnings display while scenes are being retrieved / added ("The scenes entered are not available." "Some scenes entered are not available.")

(Only able to retrieve/locate footprint scenes on UI Map using cps = 7/72/13-15 in SWODLR SIT UI) – The footprint scene retrieval is sometimes intermittent. Performance is sluggish when retrieving the (3) map footprint scenes. The Added scenes 'spinning wheel' continues to load / turn for a while after the respective MAP footprint scenes have been Successfully added in SWODLR UI. Note: the previous various warnings no longer display in UI - ("The scenes entered are not available." "Some scenes entered are not available.")

  1. 'Configure Products' should not be an option after adding scenes in UI, as this configuration already occurred via Select Scene 'Configure Options' (top of the Customization page in UI)

OK - This issue is resolved - the 'Configure Products' screen is no longer in the UI. User must now use the 'Configure Options' screen prior to Generating Products

  1. Customization page in UI - user unable to delete Added Scenes. When refreshing the page after added scenes removed/deleted, the deleted scenes re-appear in SWODLR UI

NOTE: This issue (intermittently) occurred today, user was initially unable to properly delete an added scene (used cps = 1/414/23) (I'll continue to monitor this anomaly) UPDATE: Observed the remove/delete issue again in swodlr-sit-ui using cps combos = 1/414/17- 19

  1. Customization page in UI - Map sizing issues. The size of map should remain in place. The Map in UI should not randomly re-size (e.g., after sizing, and navigating through menus, and back to customization page w/ map or when refreshing the page)

The Map in UI still has stability issues, E.g. Map re-sizes after a refresh. Also noticed, a created BBOX / polygon disappears from the MAP in UI after navigating to 'My data' page (or 'About' page) and then back to the Customization page

  1. 'My Data' page in UI: (user only can only view / display 10 rows of generated data in UI) Generated Products Data do not retain in UI (Should pagination or page numbers be Implemented ?)

Verified that the user only can now view more than 10 rows of generated data on 'My Data' page in UI.
But, pagination or page numbers should also be implemented. Table sorting and/or page limit may be needed as well (E.g. Show 20 per page, Show 50 per page, Show 100 per page, etc)

  1. 'Configure Options / Products' page - advanced options 'Scenes to Customize' - User unable to toggle or select all of the row options for UTM Zone Adjust or MGRS Band Adjust

    OK - This issue appears to be currently resolved Update: Issue was observed today - 021324 (intermittent issue-using map footprint scenes)

  2. Tutorial modal does now start when you click the Tutorial navbar button when on certain pages.

OK - This issue appears to be currently resolved - User now able to able to access the Tutorial link from the 'About' window and/or 'MyData' Page. Note: Tutorial modal still has issues remaining to be resolved including -enhance wording (minor) (e.g. 5/17, 6/17, or 12/17) -The 'Back' function still does not work as expected for certain tutorial modal pages (try 15/17 or 16/17, then hit Back, then next to see issue(s)) -After selecting start button on Tutorial, user can click anywhere on UI screen to page through the tutorial. The user does not have to select 'Next' button in the tutorial window to proceed.

jbyrne6 commented 7 months ago

@davidcolemanjpl , Thank you for your feedback. I will look into 1,3, and 4. Item 5 is a seprate ticket of #71 . And I am also looking into spatial search loading times regarding item 1.

jbyrne6 commented 7 months ago

For the last bug fix push here is this subset of the UI bug fix list that are deemed essential for version 1.0.0 release. @davidcolemanjpl let me know what items you think should be added to this list as the top priority and essential for function vs nice to have bug fixes that are not essential for the first version.

davidcolemanjpl commented 7 months ago

@jbyrne6 A few of the main / essential for function front-end items for the SWODLR v1.0.0 release include:

Tutorial modal issues: The 'Back' function still does not work as expected for certain tutorial modal pages (try 15/17 or 16/17, then hit Back, then 'Next' to see issue(s)). The SWODLR UI eventually will freeze at a certain point and adds scenes that were NOT entered / selected by user (1/413/120) After selecting start button on Tutorial, user can click anywhere on UI screen to page through the tutorial. The user does not have to select 'Next' button in the tutorial window to proceed. (related Interactive Tutorial Bugs #83)

The Map in UI re-sizing issues (and BBOX anomalies)

The added scene(s) remove/delete issue in swodlr ui

About page in UI: the 'original algorithm' hyperlink triggers an Invalid Key error

nice to have - (Firefox and Safari) 'My Data' page - table header has formatting issue - missing columns nice to have - The user currently unable to invoke the 'Unavailable' and 'Available' statuses. Suggest updating the Generated Products Data statuses on MyData page nice to have - Update needed for MyData page (pagination and sorting capabilities) nice to have - SWODLR title should match on main page in UI (SWOT Level-2 On-demand Raster Generator vs. SWOT On-Demand Level-2 Raster Generator (noted in page footer) nice to have - The 'About SWODLR' hyperlink on main page (footer) non-functional (note: SWODLR UI main page nice to have - Warning displays when navigating to or refreshing the 'My Data' page in UI: "No product have been generated. Go to the Products Customization page to generate products prior to Earthdata Login)

jbyrne6 commented 7 months ago

@davidcolemanjpl and I decided on the essential tickets for version 1 which are listed below. The rest are nice to have but version 1 can be deployed without them.

davidcolemanjpl commented 7 months ago

Reviewed recent fixes in SWODLR (SIT) UI - v1.0 Pre-Alpha

speed up spatial search load time: Spatial search is a lot faster loading now when retrieving map footprint scenes (7/72/13-15). Noticed that the spinning wheel continues to spin after the "Successfully added scenes!" message displays in UI

tutorial back button crashes site: The tutorial modal bug seems to be okay at this time, and no longer crashes as before. (note: noticed today an issue where the tutorial fails to initiate after selecting 'Start' button in the tutorial Modal - believe this new issue is related to tutorial modal pages 15-17, and then skipping or exiting tutorial. Or, simply navigate through all tutorial pages and then attempt to re-launch the tutorial modal and select 'Start' button to see this issue (https://github.com/podaac/swodlr-ui/issues/83)

Note: Another bug that should also be remediated for v1: "About page in UI: the 'original algorithm' hyperlink triggers an Invalid Key error"

jbyrne6 commented 7 months ago

@davidcolemanjpl these fixed are deployed to SIT and UAT for you to test


Not yet fixed

  1. There is still an issue in UAT when the spatial search polygon area is too large it doesn't find granules. I haven't been able to reproduce this bug locally or in SIT so it is hard for me to see what is going wrong. I could write a note for now to suggest to the user to draw a smaller area? Or just leave it as is for now. What do you think?

David C.'s comments regarding these recent fixes::

Also Confirmed issue in UAT when the spatial search polygon area is too large, it doesn't find granules as expected

jbyrne6 commented 6 months ago

Ok not to do for version 1 list