podaac / swodlr

swodlr (swaa·dler) is a system for generating on demand raster products from SWOT L2 data
Apache License 2.0
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My Data page does not load when 0 products #138

Open frankinspace opened 1 month ago

frankinspace commented 1 month ago

Checking my data page in UAT I receive "Loading Data Table..." message forever


Looking at the networking tab I see the request go through:

curl 'https://swodlr.podaac.uat.earthdatacloud.nasa.gov/api/graphql' -X POST --data-raw '{"query":"\n    query getUserProducts($limit: Int, $after: ID) \n    {\n        currentUser {\n            products (limit: $limit, after: $after) {\n                id\n                timestamp\n                cycle\n                pass\n                scene\n                outputGranuleExtentFlag\n                outputSamplingGridType\n                rasterResolution\n                utmZoneAdjust\n                mgrsBandAdjust\n\n                granules {\n                    id\n                    timestamp\n                    uri\n                }\n                \n                status (limit: 1) {\n                    id\n                    timestamp\n                    state\n                    reason\n                }\n            }\n        }\n    }\n","variables":{"limit":"1000000"},"operationName":"getUserProducts"}'

and I see the response come back:


But the UI continues to show loading....

I think there may be a bug in how the ui is handling and empty result set from the API. In this scenario I would expect to simply see an empty table or message saying no products have been generated

jbyrne6 commented 1 month ago

I fixed this bug and it is in this PR https://github.com/podaac/swodlr-ui/pull/109