podaboutlist / linkfix-for-discord

LinkFix brings link embeds back to your Discord server! Simply post Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, or Reddit links and LinkFix will reply with a rich media embed.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
18 stars 5 forks source link

Reddit: Galleries and YAGPDB (suggestions) #48

Closed fbalt5 closed 9 months ago

fbalt5 commented 10 months ago

Hi - I have two suggestions/requests to improve reddit embeds

First, I noticed that vxreddit only embeds the first photo of a gallery into discord. Switching to rxddit.com may solve this as it embeds all photos in a gallery into discord

Second, I noticed that linkfix does not respond to reddit links sent by bots/webhooks. Allowing the bot to fix bot/webhook links would be useful since discord bots like YAGPDB send links directly to reddit, which breaks video embedding. Allowing users to toggle whether bots/webhook links are fixed could be useful

RalphORama commented 10 months ago

I'll check out rxddit.com as a replacement for vxreddit.com, thanks for the heads up about that.

As for replying to bots, that interaction is disabled to prevent infinite loops of bots replying to each other. I will see if there's anything I can do about YAGPDB but I don't think that will get implemented because it has massive potential to cause headaches.

Thank you for your suggestions!

RalphORama commented 9 months ago

I've updated the bot to use rxddit.com links instead of vxreddit. Unfortunately there's not a good way to implement YAGPDB support currently. I looked into it and there's a few edge cases that could cause infinite reply loops which would be hard to work around. Thank you for your suggestions!