podkrepi-bg / frontend

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[FE] Campaigns - Colour coding, campaign statuses and icons #1969

Open AtanasovaGA opened 4 weeks ago

AtanasovaGA commented 4 weeks ago

Which area(s) of Podkrepi.bg are affected? (leave empty if unsure)

Desktop layout, Mobile layout, Campaigns

Describe the feature you'd like to request

As a Campaign Manager I want the users quickly to understand the status of the campaigns on Campaigns Listing Page so that the users can make easier donations decisions and stay informed on campaign progress.

Acceptance Criteria:

Status Text: Each campaign card should display a status (e.g., Active / Aктивна , Successful / Успешна , Paused / На пауза, Stopped / Спряна. Icons: Each status should have a corresponding icon, please refer to the design attached Colour Coding: Each donation progress bar should be colour-coded for easy identification (e.g., blue for Active, green for Successful, yellow for Paused, grey for Stopped). Consistent Placement: The status text, icon, and colour should be consistently placed across all campaign cards.

Final Design: image

Notes: This ticket is linked to the BE changes for Campaign Status developed under https://github.com/podkrepi-bg/frontend/issues/1881 Internal statuses are: active (активна) , paused (на пауза) , blocked (спряна), completed (успешна)

Describe the solution you'd like

Figma: Development, Campaign tags https://www.figma.com/design/MmvFKzUv6yE5U2wrOpWtwS/Podkrepi.bg?node-id=25084-8504&node-type=instance&t=DXVYUhk28Vc84LNb-0

Describe alternatives you've considered

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