pods-framework / pods

The Pods Framework is a Content Development Framework for WordPress - It lets you create and extend content types that can be used for any project. Add fields of various types we've built in, or add your own with custom inputs, you have total control.
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An error occurred while attempting to export personal data. Internal Server Error #6061

Closed oldrup closed 3 years ago

oldrup commented 3 years ago


With Pods activated, the core Tools > Export Personal Data fails with the following error:

An error occurred while attempting to export personal data. Internal Server Error

Testing instructions

Go to Dashboard > Tools > Export Personal Data, Add Data Export Request and follow the instructions for a regular data export.

Expected behavior

A 100% completed data export

Screenshots / screencast


Possible workaround

Disabling Pods while exporting. Of couse that would not include data stored in Pods in the export, thus making it incomplete.

Pods version


WordPress Environment ``` ` ### wp-core ### version: 5.8-RC1 site_language: en_GB user_language: en_GB timezone: Europe/Copenhagen permalink: /%postname%/ https_status: true multisite: true user_registration: false blog_public: 1 default_comment_status: open environment_type: production user_count: 7 site_count: 4 network_count: 1 dotorg_communication: true ### wp-active-theme ### name: Blocksy (blocksy) version: author: CreativeThemes author_website: https://creativethemes.com parent_theme: none theme_features: core-block-patterns, automatic-feed-links, responsive-embeds, html5, title-tag, custom-logo, lifterlms-sidebars, boostify-header-footer, fl-theme-builder-headers, fl-theme-builder-footers, fl-theme-builder-parts, editor-gradient-presets, editor-color-palette, post-thumbnails, menus, align-wide, customize-selective-refresh-widgets, header-footer-elementor, widgets theme_path: /home/oldrupdk/oldrup.net/wp-content/themes/blocksy auto_update: Disabled ### wp-themes-inactive (6) ### Divi: version: 4.9.7, author: Elegant Themes, Auto-updates disabled Blocksy Child: author: Creative Themes, version: (undefined), Auto-updates disabled Twenty Nineteen: version: 2.0, author: WordPress Team, Auto-updates disabled Twenty Sixteen: version: 2.4, author: The WordPress Team, Auto-updates disabled Twenty Twenty: version: 1.7, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates enabled Twenty Twenty-One: version: 1.3, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled ### wp-plugins-active (39) ### 3D FlipBook : Dflip Lite: version:, author: DearHive, Auto-updates disabled Activity Log: version: 2.7.0, author: Activity Log Team, Auto-updates disabled Admin Columns: version: 4.3.2, author: AdminColumns.com, Auto-updates disabled Admin Menu Editor: version: 1.9.10, author: Janis Elsts, Auto-updates disabled Advanced Custom Fields: version: 5.9.7, author: Delicious Brains, Auto-updates disabled Ajax Search Lite: version: 4.9.3, author: Ernest Marcinko, Auto-updates disabled Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster: version:, author: Gabe Livan, Auto-updates disabled Avatar Privacy: version: 2.5.2, author: Peter Putzer, Auto-updates disabled Clean Image Filenames: version: 1.3, author: Upperdog, Auto-updates disabled Code Snippets: version: 2.14.1, author: Code Snippets Pro, Auto-updates disabled Compress JPEG & PNG images: version: 3.2.1, author: TinyPNG, Auto-updates disabled Content Aware Sidebars: version: 3.16.1, author: Joachim Jensen - DEV Institute, Auto-updates disabled Disable Comments: version: 2.1.2, author: WPDeveloper, Auto-updates disabled Easy FancyBox: version: 1.8.18, author: RavanH, Auto-updates disabled Enhanced Media Library: version: 2.8.5, author: wpUXsolutions, Auto-updates disabled Fluent Forms: version: 4.1.0, author: Contact Form - WPManageNinja LLC, Auto-updates disabled Formidable Forms: version: 4.11.03, author: Strategy11, Auto-updates enabled Getwid: version: 1.7.0, author: MotoPress, Auto-updates disabled LiteSpeed Cache: version: 3.6.4, author: LiteSpeed Technologies, Auto-updates disabled Loco Translate: version: 2.5.3, author: Tim Whitlock, Auto-updates disabled LuckyWP Table of Contents: version: 2.1.4, author: LuckyWP, Auto-updates disabled Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields: version: 2.7.28, author: Pods Framework Team, Auto-updates disabled Polylang: version: 3.0.6, author: WP SYNTEX, Auto-updates disabled Post SMTP: version: 2.0.23, author: Yehuda Hassine, Auto-updates enabled Post Type Switcher: version: 3.2.1, author: Triple J Software, Inc., Auto-updates disabled Redirection: version: 5.1.1, author: John Godley, Auto-updates disabled Related Posts By Taxonomy: version: 2.7.4, author: keesiemijer, Auto-updates disabled Save Post. Check Links.: version: 1.0.1, author: pluginkollektiv, Auto-updates disabled Simple Custom CSS and JS: version: 3.36, author: SilkyPress.com, Auto-updates disabled Simple Custom Post Order: version: 2.5.6, author: Colorlib, Auto-updates disabled Stackable - Gutenberg Blocks: version: 2.17.1, author: Gambit Technologies, Inc, Auto-updates disabled Temporary Login Without Password: version: 1.6.13, author: StoreApps, Auto-updates disabled The SEO Framework: version: 4.1.3, author: The SEO Framework Team, Auto-updates disabled Wordfence Security: version: 7.5.4, author: Wordfence, Auto-updates enabled WordPress Beta Tester: version: 3.1.0, author: Peter Westwood, Andy Fragen, Auto-updates disabled WP-Matomo Integration: version: 1.0.24, author: André Bräkling, Auto-updates disabled WP Extended Search: version: 2.0.2, author: 5um17, Auto-updates disabled WPForms Lite: version:, author: WPForms, Auto-updates disabled WS Form LITE: version: 1.8.76, author: WS Form, Auto-updates disabled ### wp-plugins-inactive (14) ### Akismet Anti-Spam: version: 4.1.9, author: Automattic, Auto-updates disabled Antispam Bee: version: 2.9.4, author: pluginkollektiv, Auto-updates disabled Block Navigation: version: 3.4.0, author: melonpan, Auto-updates disabled Blocksy Companion: version:, author: CreativeThemes, Auto-updates disabled Bookly: version: 19.9.1, author: Bookly, Auto-updates disabled Divi Accessibility: version: 2.0.5, author: CampusPress, Auto-updates disabled Gutenberg: version: 10.9.1, author: Gutenberg Team, Auto-updates disabled Log Deprecated Notices: version: 0.4.1, author: Andrew Nacin, Auto-updates disabled Really Simple SSL: version: 4.0.15, author: Really Simple Plugins, Auto-updates disabled WordPress Importer: version: 0.7, author: wordpressdotorg, Auto-updates disabled WP External Links: version: 2.48, author: WebFactory Ltd, Auto-updates disabled WPFront User Role Editor: version: 2.14.4, author: Syam Mohan, Auto-updates disabled WP Htaccess Editor: version: 1.70, author: WebFactory Ltd, Auto-updates disabled WP Mail SMTP: version: 2.9.0, author: WPForms, Auto-updates disabled ### wp-media ### image_editor: BFI_Image_Editor_GD_1_3 imagick_module_version: Not available imagemagick_version: Not available imagick_version: Not available file_uploads: File uploads is turned off post_max_size: 205M upload_max_filesize: 200M max_effective_size: 200 MB max_file_uploads: 20 gd_version: bundled (2.1.0 compatible) gd_formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG, WebP, BMP, XPM ghostscript_version: 9.25 ### wp-server ### server_architecture: Linux 4.18.0-147.8.1.el7h.lve.1.x86_64 x86_64 httpd_software: LiteSpeed php_version: 8.0.6 64bit php_sapi: litespeed max_input_variables: 15000 time_limit: 300 memory_limit: 512M max_input_time: 900 upload_max_filesize: 200M php_post_max_size: 205M curl_version: 7.74.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1k suhosin: false imagick_availability: false pretty_permalinks: true htaccess_extra_rules: true ### wp-database ### extension: mysqli server_version: 10.3.30-MariaDB client_version: mysqlnd 8.0.6 ### wp-constants ### WP_HOME: undefined WP_SITEURL: undefined WP_CONTENT_DIR: /home/oldrupdk/oldrup.net/wp-content WP_PLUGIN_DIR: /home/oldrupdk/oldrup.net/wp-content/plugins WP_MEMORY_LIMIT: 64M WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT: 512M WP_DEBUG: true WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY: true WP_DEBUG_LOG: false SCRIPT_DEBUG: false WP_CACHE: true CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS: undefined COMPRESS_SCRIPTS: undefined COMPRESS_CSS: undefined WP_LOCAL_DEV: undefined DB_CHARSET: utf8 DB_COLLATE: undefined ### wp-filesystem ### wordpress: writable wp-content: writable uploads: writable plugins: writable themes: writable mu-plugins: writable ### luckywp-table-of-contents ### domVersion: 20031129 libxmlVersion: 2.9.7 intlVersion: 8.0.6 icuVersion: 69.1 settings: {"lwptoc_general":{"min":"2","depth":"6","hierarchical":true,"numeration":"decimalnested","numerationSuffix":"none","title":"Contents","toggle":true,"labelShow":"show","labelHide":"hide","hideItems":false,"smoothScroll":true,"smoothScrollOffset":"24"},"lwptoc_appearance":{"width":"full","float":"none","titleFontSize":"default","titleFontWeight":"normal","itemsFontSize":"default","colorScheme":"inherit","backgroundColor":"#eceff1","borderColor":null,"titleColor":null,"linkColor":null,"hoverLinkColor":null,"visitedLinkColor":null},"lwptoc_autoInsert":{"enable":false,"position":"beforefirstheading","postTypes":["post"]},"lwptoc_processingHeadings":{"postTypes":null},"lwptoc_misc":{"skipHeadingLevel":"h5,h6","skipHeadingText":"","hashFormat":"asheading","hashConvertToLowercase":false,"hashReplaceUnderlinesToDashes":false,"wrapNoindex":false,"useNofollow":false,"showMetaboxPostTypes":"","listMarkupTags":"div","containerClass":""}} ### wpforms ### version: lite: Nov 8, 2020 @ 9:57am upload_dir: Writable db_tables: wp_wpforms_tasks_meta total_forms: 1 total_submissions: 4 ### pods ### pods-server-software: LiteSpeed pods-user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:89.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/89.0 pods-session-save-path: /var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php80 pods-session-save-path-exists: Yes pods-session-save-path-writable: Yes pods-session-max-lifetime: 1440 pods-opcode-cache-apc: No pods-opcode-cache-memcached: No pods-opcode-cache-opcache: Yes pods-opcode-cache-redis: No pods-object-cache-apc: No pods-object-cache-apcu: No pods-object-cache-memcache: No pods-object-cache-memcached: No pods-object-cache-redis: Yes pods-memory-current-usage: 40.887M pods-memory-current-usage-real: 10.000M pods-network-wide: No pods-install-location: /home/oldrupdk/oldrup.net/wp-content/plugins/pods/ pods-developer: No pods-tableless-mode: No pods-light-mode: No pods-strict: Yes pods-allow-deprecated: No pods-api-cache: Yes pods-shortcode-allow-evaluate-tags: No ### pll_options ### browser: 0 rewrite: 1 hide_default: 1 force_lang: 1 redirect_lang: 0 media_support: 0 sync: taxonomies, _thumbnail_id post_types: 0 taxonomies: 0 domains: 0 version: 3.0.6 default_lang: en previous_version: 3.0.5 footer: en => 26 | da => 26 menu_1: en => 26 | da => 26 menu_2: en => 45 | da => 45 menu_mobile: en => 26 | da => 26 ### pll_language_en ### term_id: 30 name: English slug: en term_group: 0 term_taxonomy_id: 30 count: 49 tl_term_id: 31 tl_term_taxonomy_id: 31 tl_count: 16 locale: en_GB is_rtl: 0 w3c: en-GB facebook: en_GB home_url: https://oldrup.net/ search_url: https://oldrup.net/ mo_id: 3429 page_on_front: 0 page_for_posts: 0 flag_code: gb flag_url: https://oldrup.net/wp-content/plugins/polylang/flags/gb.png custom_flag_url: 0 ### pll_language_da ### term_id: 27 name: Dansk slug: da term_group: 1 term_taxonomy_id: 27 count: 1 tl_term_id: 28 tl_term_taxonomy_id: 28 tl_count: 4 locale: da_DK is_rtl: 0 w3c: da-DK facebook: da_DK home_url: https://oldrup.net/da/ search_url: https://oldrup.net/da/ mo_id: 3428 page_on_front: 0 page_for_posts: 0 flag_code: dk flag_url: https://oldrup.net/wp-content/plugins/polylang/flags/dk.png custom_flag_url: 0 ` ```
Pods Package Export ```json Copy and paste your Pods Admin > Migrate: Packages > Export and paste the code over this line. ```
pdclark commented 3 years ago

This worked for me in testing.

Is there a specific error in your server logs? What about if you look at the request to admin-ajax.php in the Web Inspector under Network?

It's worth noting that "Download Personal Data" makes a POST to admin-ajax.php — it may be getting blocked by mod_security. If that's the case, your host should be able to verify or whitelist the request.

oldrup commented 3 years ago

Looks like you are right about mod_security causing issues. I'll take it up with my host. Thank you :)