pods-framework / pods

The Pods Framework is a Content Development Framework for WordPress - It lets you create and extend content types that can be used for any project. Add fields of various types we've built in, or add your own with custom inputs, you have total control.
GNU General Public License v2.0
1.07k stars 264 forks source link

Update from 2.7.31 to 2.8.5 and image value from extended CPTs are not loaded #6325

Open cfaria opened 2 years ago

cfaria commented 2 years ago



I've created some custom fields to extend the WooCommerce Product Post type. Among them are relationships, images, plain text, WYSIWYG, etc... It works great in 2.7.31 but when I upgrade to 2.8.X (it doesn't matter wich 2.8 version) the image fields values are not returned as expected...

I'm getting the image field value with get_post_meta. If I inspect the database, the field is there with the correct value, so there shouldn't be any problem using get_post_meta.

Debugging a bit I've found out that Pods is using its own get_meta function to retrieve the value https://github.com/pods-framework/pods/blob/e3b805297b865c0788925991b74994be179b750e/classes/PodsMeta.php#L3356.

This is the callstack I've been looking at:

Captura de pantalla 2021-11-23 a las 13 17 28

When I'm trying to get the value of a custom image field using get_post_meta, that field function returns false here:


and that's because this lookup_related_items call returns an empty array:

$this->data->api->lookup_related_items( $current_field['id'], $current_field->get_parent_id(), $ids, $current_field );


Tell me if I can do anything else to help to fix this issue ;D. For the moment I'll stick with 2.7.31...



Testing Instructions

No response

Screenshots / Screencast

No response

Possible Workaround

No response

Site Health Information

### wp-core ###

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### wp-paths-sizes ###

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### wp-mu-plugins (5) ###

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Disable plugins on development: version: 1.0.0, author: Supermundano
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LearnDash LMS Multisite: version: 1.0.0, author: LearnDash
Register Theme Directory: version: 1.0.0, author: Roots

### wp-plugins-active (38) ###

Advanced Custom Fields PRO: version: 5.10.2, author: Delicious Brains
Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce: version: 3.1.9, author: AlgolPlus (latest version: 3.2.1)
AffiliateWP: version: 2.7.5, author: Sandhills Development, LLC
Akismet Anti-Spam: version: 4.2.1, author: Automattic
bbPress: version: 2.6.6, author: The bbPress Contributors (latest version: 2.6.8)
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Heartbeat Control by WP Rocket: version: 2.0, author: WP Rocket
LearnDash LMS: version:, author: LearnDash (latest version: 3.6.0)
LearnDash LMS - bbPress Integration: version: 2.2.1, author: LearnDash
LearnDash LMS - WooCommerce Integration: version:, author: LearnDash
MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress: version: 4.8.6, author: ibericode
MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress Premium: version: 4.8.19, author: ibericode
PixelYourSite: version: 8.2.8, author: PixelYourSite (latest version: 8.2.13)
PixelYourSite Pinterest: version: 3.2.2, author: PixelYourSite (latest version: 3.2.3)
Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields: version: 2.8.5, author: Pods Framework Team
PW Advanced Woo Reporting: version: 4.9, author: Proword
RedSys Gateway for WooCommerce Pro: version: 3.3.9, author: codection
Shortcake (Shortcode UI): version: 0.7.4, author: Fusion Engineering and community
Shortcake (Shortcode UI) Richtext: version: 1.3, author: XWP
Soil: version: 3.8.1, author: Roots
Supermundano ACF Blocks: version: 1.0.0, author: Supermundano
Tawk.to Live Chat: version: 0.5.5, author: Tawkto (latest version: 0.6.0)
WooCommerce: version: 5.8.0, author: Automattic (latest version: 5.9.0)
WooCommerce Gift Certificates Pro: version: 3.6.4, author: IgniteWoo.com
WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway: version: 2.1.3, author: WooCommerce
WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips: version: 2.10.1, author: Ewout Fernhout (latest version: 2.10.4)
WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips Premium Templates: version: 2.7.1, author: Ewout Fernhout
WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips Professional: version: 2.2.9, author: Ewout Fernhout
WooCommerce Smart Coupons: version: 4.8.0, author: StoreApps
WooCommerce Sponsor a Friend Plugin: version: 2.3.3, author: MB Création
WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: version: 5.7.0, author: WooCommerce (latest version: 5.8.0)
WooCommerce Waitlist: version: 1.8.8, author: WooCommerce
Woocommere Build Your Pack: version: 1.0.0, author: supermundano
Yoast SEO: version: 17.5, author: Team Yoast (latest version: 17.6)

### wp-plugins-inactive (12) ###

Autoptimize: version: 2.9.2, author: Frank Goossens (futtta)
Enable jQuery Migrate Helper: version: 1.3.0, author: The WordPress Team
Supermundano Custom Roles: version: 1.0, author: Supermundano
User Switching: version: 1.5.8, author: John Blackbourn & contributors
WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration: version: 1.5.3, author: WooCommerce (latest version: 1.5.4)
WooCommerce Servired/RedSys Spain Gateway: version: 16.0.1, author: José Conti
WooCommerce Waitlist: version: 1.8.8, author: WooCommerce
WP Crontrol: version: 1.11.0, author: John Blackbourn & crontributors (latest version: 1.12.0)
WP Mail SMTP: version: 3.1.0, author: WPForms (latest version: 3.2.1)
WP Maintenance Mode: version: 2.4.1, author: Designmodo
WP Migrate DB: version: 2.2.0, author: Delicious Brains (latest version: 2.2.1)
WP Super Cache: version: 1.7.4, author: Automattic

### wp-media ###

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### wp-constants ###

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Pods Package

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sc0ttkclark commented 2 years ago

Let's retest on 2.8.6, there may be some tweaks in there that address this issue.

cfaria commented 2 years ago

This is still happening in Maybe is related to #6326 If I can help in any way I'll do what you need.

JoryHogeveen commented 2 years ago

@sc0ttkclark I think this is related to meta vs podsrel tables. See #3614

@cfaria If you re-save a product, does it return a correct value then?

cfaria commented 2 years ago

@JoryHogeveen No, saving the product as it is doesn't return the correct value. But if you mean to save the product selecting the values first, then the value is saved again and then it does return it when I call get_post_meta, but the old values that are not changed are still there in the database and are not returned. It only returns the values that I change. That's not possible for me as I have a lot of custom fields in a lot of CPTs.

@sc0ttkclark and I were trying to fix the issue some weeks ago and we manage to recover the post custom fields types (we tested an extended WooCommerce Product), but the values are still not returned unless I change the value and save it.

Seems like #6326 would be fixed exporting all the fields with the Migrate Package component, updating the plugin to 2.10.0 and importing with the same component. But #6325 is still there...

madeincima commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone,

I see that this bug is months old but I still have the same issue with custom fields applied on media. When I save the media I can see the right values in the database but when I come back to the backend the custom field values are all wrong (so if I save again I save wrong values in the database too). This is happening for the custom fields type checkboxes yes/no.

Is there any workaround or fix for these?

Thank you!