pods-framework / pods

The Pods Framework is a Content Development Framework for WordPress - It lets you create and extend content types that can be used for any project. Add fields of various types we've built in, or add your own with custom inputs, you have total control.
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Multiple select relation field with Users cannot filter on roles #7009

Closed Hexboard closed 1 year ago

Hexboard commented 1 year ago


In the settings of a relationship field connected to Users it is possible to restrict the query to show Users with specific roles. However on opening the pod item with this relationship field connected to multiple users I get errors like these:

Database Error; SQL: SELECT DISTINCT t.ID, t.display_name FROM wpop_users AS t LEFT JOIN wpop_pods_user AS d ON d.id = t.ID WHERE ( wpop_capabilities.meta_value LIKE "%\"mentor\"%" OR wpop_capabilities.meta_value LIKE "%\"contactpersoon\"%" OR wpop_capabilities.meta_value LIKE "%\"administrator\"%" ) ORDER BY t.display_name, t.ID; Response: Unknown column 'wpop_capabilities.meta_value' in 'where clause'

Database Error; SQL: SELECT DISTINCT t.ID, t.display_name FROM wpop_users AS t LEFT JOIN wpop_pods_user AS d ON d.id = t.ID WHERE ( wpop_capabilities.meta_value LIKE "%\"author\"%" ) ORDER BY t.display_name, t.ID LIMIT 0, 30; Response: Unknown column 'wpop_capabilities.meta_value' in 'where clause'

I user the Members plugin to create different roles and to restrict content to different roles. I cannot test this behaviour in my current website. I guess it should be tested in an empty new site.



Testing Instructions

Create a pod with a relationship field to Users (And create a relationship field in Pods Users to connect with this pod) Set both to Multiple select

Screenshots / Screencast

Relationship field cannot filter on roles

Possible Workaround

Don't use the filter, and just use "auto complete" to select users in editor

Site Health Information

### wp-core ###

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### wp-active-theme ###

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### wp-parent-theme ###

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### wp-themes-inactive (2) ###

Twenty Twenty-Three: version: 1.0, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
Twenty Twenty-Two: version: 1.3, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld

### wp-mu-plugins (1) ###

Health Check Troubleshooting Mode: author: (undefined), version: 1.8.1

### wp-plugins-active (28) ###

Admin Bar Disabler: version: 1.4.2, author: Scott Kingsley Clark, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
Akismet Anti-Spam: version: 5.0.2, author: Automattic, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
Cache Enabler: version: 1.8.13, author: KeyCDN, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
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Code Snippets: version: 3.2.2, author: Code Snippets Pro, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
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Elementor: version: 3.10.2, author: Elementor.com, Auto-updates ingeschakeld
Elementor Pro: version: 3.10.3, author: Elementor.com, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
GAinWP Google Analytics Integration for WordPress: version: 5.4.6, author: IntelligenceWP, Auto-updates ingeschakeld
Gutenslider — The last WordPress slider you will ever need.: version: 5.10.1, author: eedee, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
Health Check & Troubleshooting: version: 1.5.1, author: The WordPress.org community, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
Insert PHP Code Snippet: version: 1.3.3, author: xyzscripts.com, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
Loco Translate: version: 2.6.3, author: Tim Whitlock, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
Loginizer: version: 1.7.6, author: Softaculous, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
Loginizer Security: version: 1.7.6, author: Softaculous, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
Members: version: 3.2.2, author: MemberPress, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields: version: 2.9.9, author: Pods Framework Team (latest version:, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
Pods Alternative Cache: version: 2.1.5, author: Pods Framework Team, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
Post SMTP: version: 2.3.2, author: Post SMTP, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
Redirection: version: 5.3.9, author: John Godley, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
User Menus: version: 1.3.1, author: Code Atlantic, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
User Registration: version: 2.3.1, author: WPEverest, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
User Switching: version: 1.7.0, author: John Blackbourn & contributors, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
WP Crontrol: version: 1.15.1, author: John Blackbourn & crontributors, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
wpDataTables: version: 5.3, author: TMS-Plugins, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
WP Rollback: version: 1.7.3, author: GiveWP.com, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
WP Ultimate CSV Importer - Custom Fields Import: version: 3.0, author: Smackcoders, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld

### wp-plugins-inactive (2) ###

Import Users: version: 1.3, author: Smackcoders, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld
WP Ultimate CSV Importer: version: 7.3, author: Smackcoders, Auto-updates uitgeschakeld

### code-snippets (27) ###

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### pods ###

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pods-sessions: Disable sessions
pods-can-use-sessions: Ja
pods-relationship-table-status: 102,313


Pods Package

No response

Hexboard commented 1 year ago

I can also add pods package if desired, but got an error for too long comment when I pasted the JSON

sc0ttkclark commented 1 year ago

Fixed via e9d9681ee51bf5a097cd0d759b796aec0f602b86