pods-framework / pods

The Pods Framework is a Content Development Framework for WordPress - It lets you create and extend content types that can be used for any project. Add fields of various types we've built in, or add your own with custom inputs, you have total control.
GNU General Public License v2.0
1.07k stars 264 forks source link

Upload of PDF fails/hangs (no messages), Other PDF Files work #7197

Open dbareis opened 1 year ago

dbareis commented 1 year ago


RE: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/pods-file-field-shows-uploading-bar-but-doesnt-upload/

When "Upload Works.pdf" (attached) is uploaded: Upload Worked

When "Upload FAILS.pdf" (attached) is uploaded: Upload Fails

Upload Works.pdf Upload FAILS.pdf

These are the options of the field:

Upload Only (Plupload) Other (customise allowed extension) pdf Custom Directory within the default direction Newsletters

On failure:



Testing Instructions

No response

Screenshots / Screencast

No response

Possible Workaround

No response

Site Health Information

### wp-core ###

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### wp-paths-sizes ###

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### wp-dropins (1) ###

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### wp-active-theme ###

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### wp-themes-inactive (1) ###

Twenty Twenty-Three: version: 1.2, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled

### wp-mu-plugins (3) ###

Health Check Troubleshooting Mode: author: (undefined), version: 1.9.0
Prevent PHP Deprecated Messages in PHP ERROR Logs: version: 2023.06.30, author: Dennis Bareis
WP STAGING Optimizer: version: 1.5.1, author: René Hermenau

### wp-plugins-active (26) ###

Admin Menu Editor: version: 1.11.2, author: Janis Elsts, Auto-updates enabled
Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection: version: 5.3, author: Automattic - Anti-spam Team, Auto-updates enabled
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Easy WP SMTP: version: 2.1.2, author: Easy WP SMTP, Auto-updates enabled
Error Log Monitor: version: 1.7.7, author: Janis Elsts, Auto-updates enabled
Extend Revisions for Custom Fields and Taxonomies: version: 2023.05.09, author: Dennis Bareis, Auto-updates disabled
Jetpack: version: 12.6.2, author: Automattic, Auto-updates enabled
Jetpack Boost: version: 2.1.1, author: Automattic - Jetpack Site Speed team, Auto-updates enabled
Jetpack Protect: version: 1.4.1, author: Automattic - Jetpack Security team, Auto-updates enabled
Kaya QR Code Generator: version: 1.5.3, author: Kaya Studio, Auto-updates enabled
LiteSpeed Cache: version: 5.6, author: LiteSpeed Technologies, Auto-updates enabled
Lock User Account: version: 1.0.4, author: teknigar, Auto-updates enabled
Media Library Assistant: version: 3.11, author: David Lingren, Auto-updates enabled
Ocean Extra: version: 2.2.0, author: OceanWP, Auto-updates enabled
Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields: version: 3.0.6, author: Pods Framework Team, Auto-updates enabled
Query Monitor: version: 3.13.1, author: John Blackbourn, Auto-updates enabled
Search Regex: version: 3.0.7, author: John Godley, Auto-updates enabled
Shortcoder: version: 6.3, author: Aakash Chakravarthy, Auto-updates enabled
Simple Location: version: 5.0.17, author: David Shanske, Auto-updates enabled
Table Sorter: version: 2.3, author: Farhan Noor, Auto-updates enabled
WordPress Importer: version: 0.8.1, author: wordpressdotorg, Auto-updates enabled
WPMU DEV Dashboard: version: 4.11.21, author: WPMU DEV, Auto-updates enabled
XML Sitemap Generator for Google: version: 4.1.13, author: Auctollo, Auto-updates enabled

### wp-plugins-inactive (8) ###

Export Import Menus: version: 1.8.0, author: Akshay Menariya, Auto-updates enabled
Health Check & Troubleshooting: version: 1.7.0, author: The WordPress.org community, Auto-updates enabled
Ocean Modal Window: version: 2.2.0, author: OceanWP, Auto-updates disabled
Pods Alternative Cache: version: 2.1.7, author: Pods Framework Team, Auto-updates enabled
UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore: version: 1.23.10, author: UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAnderson, Auto-updates enabled
WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache: version: 3.2.19, author: David Anderson, Ruhani Rabin, Team Updraft, Auto-updates enabled
WPCode Lite: version:, author: WPCode, Auto-updates enabled
WP Go Maps (formerly WP Google Maps): version: 9.0.24, author: WP Go Maps (formerly WP Google Maps), Auto-updates enabled

### wp-media ###

image_editor: WP_Image_Editor_GD
imagick_module_version: Not available
imagemagick_version: Not available
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file_uploads: File uploads is turned off
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### wp-server ###

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### wp-database ###

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### wp-constants ###

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### wp-filesystem ###

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### jetpack ###

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### easy_wp_smtp ###

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### pods ###

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pods-settings-types_only: No
pods-settings-watch_changed_fields: Yes
pods-settings-metadata_integration: Yes
pods-settings-metadata_override_get: Yes


Pods Package

sc0ttkclark commented 1 year ago

Can you provide a package of your configuration (Pods Admin > Migrate Packages) using the Migrate Packages component (Pods Admin > Components)? That might help us to see if we can reproduce the issue.

dbareis commented 1 year ago
    "@meta": {
        "version": "3.0.6",
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        "metadata_override_get": "1",
        "session_auto_start": "0",
        "wisdom_opt_out": "",
        "media_modal_fields": "1",
        "active_components": [
    "pods": [
            "name": "newsletter",
            "id": 31571,
            "label": "Newsletters",
            "description": "",
            "type": "post_type",
            "storage": "meta",
            "label_singular": "Newsletter",
            "public": "1",
            "show_ui": "1",
            "rest_enable": "1",
            "supports_title": "1",
            "supports_editor": "1",
            "_migrated_28": "1",
            "pick_object": "custom-simple",
            "required": "0",
            "groups": [
                    "name": "more_fields",
                    "id": 31572,
                    "label": "More Fields",
                    "description": "",
                    "weight": 0,
                    "fields": [
                            "name": "newsletter_file",
                            "id": 31573,
                            "label": "Newsletter File",
                            "description": "The PDF file to be uploaded",
                            "weight": 0,
                            "type": "file",
                            "sister_id": "-- Select One --",
                            "required": "0",
                            "file_format_type": "single",
                            "file_uploader": "plupload",
                            "file_type": "other",
                            "file_attachment_tab": "upload",
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                            "file_limit": "0",
                            "file_field_template": "rows",
                            "file_add_button": "Add Newsletter",
                            "file_modal_title": "Attach a file",
                            "file_modal_add_button": "Add File",
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                            "name": "newsletter_issue_number",
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                            "name": "newsletter_issue_period",
                            "id": 31575,
                            "label": "Issue Period",
                            "description": "The period of time the newsletter covers",
                            "weight": 2,
                            "type": "text",
                            "sister_id": "-- Select One --",
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                            "text_allowed_html_tags": "strong em a ul ol li b i",
                            "text_max_length": "100",
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                            "name": "newsletter_summary",
                            "id": 31576,
                            "label": "Newsletter Summary",
                            "description": "One line for item",
                            "weight": 3,
                            "type": "paragraph",
                            "sister_id": "-- Select One --",
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                            "paragraph_allowed_html_tags": "strong em a ul ol li b i",
                            "paragraph_max_length": "-1",
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    "pages": [
            "name": "search-newsletters*",
            "code": "",
            "id": 31578,
            "_edit_lock": "1696375214:3",
            "_edit_last": "3",
            "page_title": "Newsletter Search",
            "admin_only": "0",
            "restrict_role": "0",
            "restrict_capability": "0",
            "restrict_redirect": "0",
            "restrict_redirect_login": "0",
            "page_template": "php-SEARCH-for-NEWSLETTERS.php",
            "pod": "newsletter",
            "_pods_roles_allowed": [
            "_pods_capability_allowed": [
sc0ttkclark commented 11 months ago

I can upload both fine in my testing with your package pod "Newsletter" and the "Newsletter File" field.

I'm curious if there's something else going on here, but it may be difficult to find without being able to test this on a site that has the same issue.

If you'd like to join our Live Community Pods Slack at https://support.pods.io/chat/ -- I'm sure we can help you debug this more quickly and get to the bottom of the issue. Once you join, just look for me and send me a Direct Message and I can work with you to figure this out.

Is that something you're open to?