pods-framework / pods

The Pods Framework is a Content Development Framework for WordPress - It lets you create and extend content types that can be used for any project. Add fields of various types we've built in, or add your own with custom inputs, you have total control.
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Field with Simple Relationship fails to correctly update if Default Select Text is set #7241

Open HmCody opened 6 months ago

HmCody commented 6 months ago


I have a Pod called "membership" that has a Simple Relationship field called "member_type." Possible values are "Family" and "Individual". Default Select Text was set to "Individual", as was Default Value. When I updated a membership which had member_type set to "Individual", member_type was resetting to empty. Memberships with member_type set to "Family" were working as expected. This was happening both on my local test site and on the production site.

First I tried disabling all of my other plugins and that made no difference.

I then tried changing the field settings to remove Individual from Default Select Text, and member_type began to update correctly again. I also tried creating the same dropdown on another Pod which worked the same way. It updated correctly if Default Select Text was not set, and failed if it was.



Testing Instructions

No response

Screenshots / Screencast

No response

Possible Workaround

No response

Site Health Information

No response

Pods Package

This shows both the updated membership Pod (Default Select Text="" which is now working) and the title_test Pod (Default Select Text="Individual" in which the field update is failing).

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                            "roles_allowed": "administrator",
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                            "rest_pick_depth": "1"
                            "name": "dropdown_test",
                            "id": 9853,
                            "label": "Dropdown Test",
                            "description": "",
                            "weight": 1,
                            "type": "pick",
                            "pick_object": "custom-simple",
                            "sister_id": "-- Select One --",
                            "pick_table": "-- Select One --",
                            "required": "0",
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                            "pick_user_role": "Administrator",
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                            "repeatable": "0",
                            "repeatable_format": "default",
                            "roles_allowed": "administrator",
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                            "rest_pick_depth": "1",
                            "pick_custom": "Family|Family\nIndividual|Individual",
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