pods-framework / pods

The Pods Framework is a Content Development Framework for WordPress - It lets you create and extend content types that can be used for any project. Add fields of various types we've built in, or add your own with custom inputs, you have total control.
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Pods field content deleting itself after publishing it. #7304

Open priska182 opened 3 weeks ago

priska182 commented 3 weeks ago



I am currently developing a website using Elementor Pro and Pods. I have encountered an issue related to the integration of these plugins. Here's a detailed description of the problem:

I am using Elementor Pro to create dynamic templates for single post pages. For custom post types, I am using the Pods plugin to create and manage these types.

The setup was functioning correctly until recently. I added a new custom post type and associated custom fields using Pods. After creating the custom fields and saving the pod, the fields appear as expected. However, upon publishing or updating the post, the custom fields created using Pods are being deleted. Consequently, the single post template created with Elementor Pro only displays the post title, and the custom fields are missing.



Testing Instructions

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Screenshots / Screencast

image image

Possible Workaround

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Site Health Information

### wp-core ###

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### wp-themes-inactive (5) ###

Twenty Twenty-Four: version: 1.1, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Twenty-One: version: 2.2, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Twenty-Three: version: 1.4, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Twenty-Two: version: 1.7, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Fifteen/vsiyidvvgn: author: Anonymous, version: (undefined), Auto-updates disabled

### wp-mu-plugins (1) ###

Health Check Troubleshooting Mode: author: (undefined), version: 1.9.1

### wp-plugins-active (4) ###

Elementor: version: 3.21.8, author: Elementor.com, Auto-updates disabled
Elementor Pro: version: 3.21.3, author: Elementor.com, Auto-updates disabled
Ocean Extra: version: 2.2.9, author: OceanWP, Auto-updates disabled
Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields: version:, author: Pods Framework Team, Auto-updates disabled

### wp-plugins-inactive (15) ###

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Health Check & Troubleshooting: version: 1.7.0, author: The WordPress.org community, Auto-updates disabled
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Site Kit by Google: version: 1.128.0, author: Google, Auto-updates disabled
SVG Support: version: 2.5.5, author: Benbodhi, Auto-updates disabled
TablePress: version: 2.3.2, author: Tobias Bäthge, Auto-updates disabled
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### wp-database ###

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### wp-constants ###

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### wp-filesystem ###

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### pods ###

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pods-settings-types_only: Enable [types_only=0]
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pods-settings-display_callbacks: Restricted [display_callbacks=restricted]
pods-settings-display_callbacks_allowed: esc_attr,esc_html


Pods Package

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