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Generate reasonable image for YouTube playlist #5

Open patcon opened 7 years ago

patcon commented 7 years ago

After quite a bit of research, I determined that YouTube doesn't currently allow an image to be set for a playlist. However, there seem to be two possible work-arounds:

  1. Use the logo image from the channel that owns the playlist. This would probably be the least surprising option.
  2. Use a thumbnail from the playlist object for a specific video. This is a little more custom, but would require some default assumptions so as not to get too confusing -- for example, the default thumbnail could come from either the first or last video of the playlist. Since the "last" video is normally the oldest, and therefore would stay the same, my vote would be for that. Now, the owner of the playlist could set a custom thumbnail for that first video, and it would make a prettier playlist with a consistent logo in their podcast player :)

My preference is actually for (1), fwiw. Seems simpler (no config to build interfaces around!) and a little more transparent -- less voodoo!

patcon commented 7 years ago

Maybe related: https://www.patreon.com/posts/13057294