podusowski / pake

Friendly C++ build system which doesn't follow trends
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Fix to displaying variable which holds nothing. #16

Closed Quasek closed 9 years ago

Quasek commented 9 years ago

Empty uninitialized variables like "run_before" and "run_after" were print out on screen.

podusowski commented 9 years ago


$ python -B ../pake/src/pake.py 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../pake/src/pake.py", line 45, in <module>
  File "../pake/src/pake.py", line 20, in main
  File "../pake/src/pake.py", line 15, in parse_source_tree
  File "/home/podusows/Development/pake/src/variables.py", line 20, in export_special_variables
    add("__configuration", variable.name, variable)
  File "/home/podusows/Development/pake/src/variables.py", line 170, in add
    variable = Variable(module_name, name, value)
  File "/home/podusows/Development/pake/src/variables.py", line 143, in __init__
    self.content = [content] if content else []
TypeError: __nonzero__ should return an int

on rusted repo with this merge