podusowski / pake

Friendly C++ build system which doesn't follow trends
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pake unusable on windows after includes are using absolute path. #24

Open Quasek opened 9 years ago

Quasek commented 9 years ago

As it says. Proposed solution is to switch to relpath.

podusowski commented 9 years ago

You mean https://github.com/podusowski/pake/issues/23 ? Give some details.

Quasek commented 9 years ago

pake is trying to make a build directory for an object in the following way:


And on windows it goes like: C:...._build\Target\C:...\Source.o which is not valid path on windows.

I made a workaround by adding: in_filename = os.path.relpath(in_filename) in __fetch_includes function

and by adding: os.path.relpath(source_filename) in object_filename function.

But this solution still does not solve a problem when sources files are in different directory tree than pake project.