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List of parser failures - August 2021 #284

Closed mitchdowney closed 2 years ago

mitchdowney commented 3 years ago

Sermonaudio - Unexpected close tag

podcastId: nN1i8iB6WL

url: http://www.sermonaudio.com/rss_source.asp?sourceid=bbbctawascity

feedUrlId: LN98LS1HsC

errorMessage: Unexpected close tag Line: 84 Column: 7 Char: >

Anchor - Podcast not found

podcastTitle: 070 podcasts

podcastId: UdJsZPWg

url: https://anchor.fm/s/e097ff0/podcast/rss

feedUrlId: yWXEEFY75vzZfj

errorMessage: Podcast not found

FirstPresAH - The user aborted a request.

podcastTitle: The Word @ First Pres

podcastId: pDQkgvU7H6

url: https://firstpresah.org/feed/fpahsermons/

feedUrlId: ZeOFiCEguG

errorMessage: The user aborted a request.

VineyardJackson - The user aborted a request.

podcastId: YViyhuIENT

url: https://vineyardjackson.nm-secure.com/podcast.cfm?content=download

feedUrlId: ggo7mc7FbV

errorMessage: The user aborted a request.

BuzzSprout - Podcast not found

podcastTitle: The BodPod

podcastId: dY80ASvxge

url: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1826031.rss

feedUrlId: MCdSSxIJnt

errorMessage: Podcast not found

Radio-Pulsar - Cannot read property '0' of undefined

podcastId: OOunUpy8ZR

url: https://podcast.radio-pulsar.org/rss/podcast.rss

feedUrlId: cJiHgzEOjY

errorMessage: Cannot read property '0' of undefined

SylvanWay - The user aborted a request.

podcastId: uf0nS2AvrJR

url: http://www.sylvanway.com/podcast.cfm

feedUrlId: szDYrnVG67F

errorMessage: The user aborted a request.

Smule - request to https://www.smule.com/rss/popular failed, reason: read ECONNRESET

podcastId: FxUQhTBXNv

url: https://www.smule.com/rss/popular

feedUrlId: hDYfFQdDbh

errorMessage: request to https://www.smule.com/rss/popular failed, reason: read ECONNRESET

Transistor - Podcast not found

podcastTitle: Tigers SRD- A Detroit Tigers & MLB Podcast

podcastId: AALh1LWdlS

url: https://feeds.transistor.fm/tigers-srd-a-detroit-tigers-mlb-podcast

feedUrlId: F3m2z57h99

errorMessage: Podcast not found

Shenoto - Invalid character in entity name

podcastTitle: داستان شب

podcastId: 0XITtcGS2M

url: https://shenoto.com/service/api/feed/dastaneshab

feedUrlId: 3zC3OihHO6

errorMessage: Invalid character in entity name Line: 2 Column: 581 Char: =

Refuge Temple GVL - The user aborted a request.

podcastId: 0XrzFT6uG

url: http://www.refugetemplegvl.org/podcast.cfm

feedUrlId: Bx_ORJwFWq

errorMessage: The user aborted a request.

FBCIronton - Certificate

podcastId: hQByIHM_Opp

url: https://fbcironton.com/sermons/feed/

feedUrlId: 61WhAUjti-P

errorMessage: request to https://fbcironton.com/sermons/feed/ failed, reason: Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames: Host: fbcironton.com. is not in the cert's altnames: DNS:*.web-hosting.com, DNS:web-hosting.com

3GB - The user aborted a request.

podcastTitle: Xbox One | 3GB

podcastId: 3evWZaViL6

url: https://www.3gb.com.mx/category/noticias/xbox-one/feed/

feedUrlId: d3ENAtIzFK

errorMessage: The user aborted a request.

RSSMix - arr[0].split is not a function

podcastId: Ot2cFpxZGdt

url: http://www.rssmix.com/u/8312660/rss.xml

feedUrlId: -Muhoqxr304

errorMessage: arr[0].split is not a function

Cast.Rocks - Cannot read property 'channel' of undefined

podcastTitle: Anthropotamus - Anthropology Podcast

podcastId: DEftdipS1N

url: http://cast.rocks/hosting/32176/feeds/DT66W.xml

feedUrlId: SxyAAqlHk5

errorMessage: Cannot read property 'channel' of undefined

GBCode - Certificate

podcastId: XRKLk72k9L

url: https://gbcode.rthk.org.hk/TuniS/podcast.rthk.hk/podcast/radio1_news_feature.xml

feedUrlId: oQHEEGeFC5

errorMessage: request to https://gbcode.rthk.org.hk/TuniS/podcast.rthk.hk/podcast/radio1_news_feature.xml failed, reason: Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames: Host: gbcode.rthk.org.hk. is not in the cert's altnames: DNS:*.rthk.hk, DNS:rthk.hk

ICF-Basel - Invalid character in entity name

podcastId: jB-8sJ517_

url: https://www.icf-basel.ch/podcast/show/icf-celebration/feed/audio

feedUrlId: Xdfj1BZHGf

errorMessage: Invalid character in entity name Line: 2428 Column: 162 Char: "

LivingFellowship - The user aborted a request.

podcastId: zVZ-3ucQuh

url: https://www.livingfellowship.org/feed/podcast/

feedUrlId: CZe0x5pQMc

errorMessage: The user aborted a request.

AEZFM - The user aborted the request.

podcastTitle: 美文阅读 More to Read

podcastId: rClHuvpQMj

url: https://aezfm.meldingcloud.com/rss/program/4

feedUrlId: hI9uuL2fD2

errorMessage: The user aborted a request.

StartupInsider - Podcast not found

podcastTitle: Startup Insider

podcastId: 8r_JBwM3tL

url: https://startupinsider.podigee.io/feed/mp3

feedUrlId: c4gaVbpbkz

errorMessage: Podcast not found

CountrySideFM - The user aborted a request.

podcastId: XPPNoDr-d

url: http://www.countrysidefm.org/podcast.cfm

feedUrlId: 1-FdkVpVy1

errorMessage: The user aborted a request.

CrossPointSR - The user aborted a request.

podcastId: S2R_edTsHrQ

url: http://www.crosspointsr.org/podcast.cfm

feedUrlId: KEYbIfvXO0a

errorMessage: The user aborted a request.

ConcertZender - The user aborted a request.

podcastId: MrSK9qMmLkF

url: https://www.concertzender.nl/programma_maker/henk-bakker/feed/

feedUrlId: idP5qutpgEf

errorMessage: The user aborted a request.

Megaphone - The user aborted a request.

podcastTitle: Accelerate Your Business Growth

podcastId: aM246nzlaP

url: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/accelerateyourbusinessgrowth

feedUrlId: wr98MNeVY

errorMessage: The user aborted a request.

Whooshkaa - Non-whitespace before first tag.

podcastId: ZaQxY9dcxR

url: https://rss.whooshkaa.com/rss/podcast/id/5036

feedUrlId: 1xhyYLELZz

errorMessage: Non-whitespace before first tag. Line: 0 Column: 1 Char: N

3CR - Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

podcastTitle: Monday Breakfast

podcastId: bBT6PTkdPIr

url: https://www.3cr.org.au/monday-breakfast/itunes

feedUrlId: Ub-QOdwEg38

errorMessage: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

IslamPodcasts - The user aborted a request.

podcastTitle: Connecting the global ummah

podcastId: vt1SSF0Pud

url: https://islampodcasts.com/category/current-events/feed/

feedUrlId: heJmTpkx1y

errorMessage: The user aborted a request.

mitchdowney commented 2 years ago

Not sure if all these are fixed or not, but we need to organize parser failures into individual tickets instead of grouping them in one big ticket going forward.