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[poem-openapi] Path parameters in `prefix_path` do not generate the correct openapi specification #826

Open Zstorm999 opened 1 month ago

Zstorm999 commented 1 month ago

Hello !

I have an api specification of the form :

impl Api {
    #[oai(path = "/:surname", method = "get")]
    async fn get(...) -> ... { ... }

Note that I have path parameters in both prefix_path and path.

Expected Behavior

I expect the parameter name to be included in the api spec, so the generated spec should be something like

"paths": {
    "/hello/{name}/{surname}": {
      "get": {
        "parameters": [
            "name": "name",
            "name": "surname",

Actual Behavior

Instead, what is being generated is

"paths": {
    "/hello/:name/{surname}": {
      "get": {
        "parameters": [
            "name": "name",
            "name": "surname",

This causes problems with api viewers (tested with redoc and swagger-ui), as they do not generate the correct request.


curl -X GET http://localhost/api/hello/myname/mysurname


curl -X GET http://localhost/api/hello/:name/mysurname

Additional testing

For the record, I tested the following api construction in Rust:

impl Api {
    #[oai(path = "/:surname", method = "get")]
    async fn get(...) -> ... { ... }

This generates the correct specification, but poem is then unable to correctly use the route and I get a 404 error when trying to access it.


Full code example ```rust use poem::{listener::TcpListener, Route, Server}; use poem_openapi::{param::{Path, Query}, payload::PlainText, OpenApi, OpenApiService}; struct Api; #[OpenApi(prefix_path="/hello/:name")] impl Api { #[oai(path = "/:surname", method = "get")] async fn index(&self, name: Path, surname: Path) -> PlainText { let name = name.0; let surname = surname.0; PlainText(format!("hello, {name} {surname}!")) } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { if std::env::var_os("RUST_LOG").is_none() { std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "poem=debug"); } tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); let api_service = OpenApiService::new(Api, "Hello World", "1.0").server("http://localhost:3000/api"); let ui = api_service.swagger_ui(); let spec = api_service.spec(); println!("{}", spec); Server::new(TcpListener::bind("")) .run(Route::new().nest("/api", api_service).nest("/", ui)) .await } ```
Zstorm999 commented 1 month ago

So I found the problem at this line.

When the full path is generated below, no conversion is applied to the prefix_path, only to the oai_path. This means the path is half-standardized in the final output.