poeml / mirrorbrain

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Export to command files #151

Open poeml opened 9 years ago

poeml commented 9 years ago
                                                                                     [          ]

Issue migrated (2015-06-05) from old issue tracker http://mirrorbrain.org/issues/issue151

Title    Export to command files
 Priority   wish  Status   unread
Superseder       Nosy List dagobert
Assigned To      Keywords
msg550 (view) Author: dagobert Date: 2014-02-23.11:51:49

It would be nice to have a command-type export where commands are output to reproduce the configuration, e.g. mb export --format=shell | ssh sh -x Essentially this is already printed after "mb edit" for the changes. Also it would be easy to copy single mirror configurations with mb export --format=cmd | grep oldmirror | sed -e 's/oldmirror/thecopy/'g | sh -x

The Veritas cluster also has a similar feature and I found it extremely useful.

         Date           User   Action Args
2014-02-23 11:51:49 dagobert create
(end of migrated issue)