poetapp / wordpress-plugin

Automatically post to the Po.et Network from WordPress
GNU General Public License v2.0
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WordPress 5.0 Support #37

Open lautarodragan opened 5 years ago

lautarodragan commented 5 years ago

Got this in an email:

WordPress 5.0 is scheduled to be released on November 19. Are your plugins ready?

After testing your plugins and ensuring compatibility, it only takes a few moments to change the readme "Tested up to:" value to 5.0. This information provides peace of mind to users and helps encourage them to update to the latest version.

Here are the current "Tested up to:" values for each of your plugins:

For each plugin that is compatible, you don't need to release a new version — just change the stable version's readme value.

If you haven't yet read the scope and schedule post of WordPress 5.0, we strongly recommend you do so now, as Gutenberg will be included.


If your plugin interacts with the editor screen in any way, we urge you to test with the 5.0 branch as soon as possible. Shortcodes—both block (i.e. on their own line) and inline—will continue to work, as will embeds. Similarly, Meta Boxes are still supported; however, they may not look the way you expect.

A technical overview of Gutenberg has been provided: https://make.wordpress.org/core/2018/10/03/technical-overview-of-gutenberg-integration/

Also note that WordPress will move to support PHP 7.3, which should have minimal impact on your plugins but should still be reviewed.

You can read about the changes to PHP for version 7.3 to make your plugin compatible here: https://make.wordpress.org/core/2018/10/15/wordpress-and-php-7-3/

Thank you for all you do for the WordPress community, and we hope you enjoy 5.0 as much as we do.

Emphasis by me.