poetic / ember-cli-photoswipe

Ember cli Addon adaptation of the popular photo gallery library Photoswipe js
MIT License
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Adding support for use with ember-wormhole #14

Open mbiondo opened 9 years ago

DanielOchoa commented 9 years ago

I'll definitely look into it.

RuslanZavacky commented 9 years ago

yeap, ti might be very useful. When ember-liquidfire is in use, it gives full page height, and photoswipe renders in the middle of nowhere :)

gnazarkin commented 8 years ago

^having the same issue

evoactivity commented 7 years ago

Is this project no longer maintained?

lougreenwood commented 6 years ago

I suppose that if this feature were to be added now it might make sense to use the new in-element feature?


MrChriZ commented 6 years ago

Just ran into this problem too...

RuslanZavacky commented 6 years ago

I would suggest looking into https://github.com/glidejs/glide - as it worked well for me as a replacement for this library. And you don't need much integration with ember.

evoactivity commented 6 years ago

I don't think glide is a good replacement at all, they do different things.

I think with ember-auto-import it should be fairly simple for people to roll their own photoswipe backed components though.

RuslanZavacky commented 6 years ago

@evoactivity indeed, apologies. Confused this addon with owl carousel :) I didn't have particular love to photoswipe and owl carousel... so ditched photoswipe and used glide instead of owl.

MrChriZ commented 6 years ago

So it seems the in-element feature isn't available yet in Ember. If you try you get an error message saying you can't use in-element. I read things about using a private API using -in-element but couldn't seem to get that to work at all - the element never moved.

I then had a play with ember-wormhole. I moved the pswp element into it's own component such that it looked like this: ember-cli-photoswipe/app/templates/components/photo-swipe.hbs

{{#if options.destination}}
    {{#ember-wormhole to=options.destination}}

Unfortunately this however broke the ember photoswipe component which uses jquery to find the pswp component. /ember-cli-photoswipe/addon/components/photo-swipe.js

this.set("pswpEl", this.$(".pswp")[0]);

Since it's been wormholed it can no longer be found. I found this issue which describes this issue: https://github.com/yapplabs/ember-wormhole/issues/31 There's a number of potential solutions there including using the destination with a global jquery request which seemed to work. ember-cli-photoswipe/addon/components/photo-swipe.js

  if (this.get("options.destination")) {
        let destinationElement = "#" + this.get("options.destination") + " .pswp";
        this.set("pswpEl", Ember.$(destinationElement)[0]);
      } else {
        this.set("pswpEl", this.$(".pswp")[0]);

Then it's just a case of putting the destination in to the options. So I created a third example on the application.hbs page tests/dummy/app/templates/application.hbs

<!-- example 3 - with destination -->
<h3>Example with destination</h3>
{{#photo-swipe options=psThreeOpts items=items as |image|}}
    <img class="thumb" src={{image.src}} alt={{image.title}}>


  psThreeOpts: {

I've pushed a copy of this to here: https://github.com/MrChriZ/ember-cli-photoswipe/tree/addEmberWormhole

I've not added a pull request as yet though as I thought I'd just get peoples thoughts first.

lougreenwood commented 6 years ago

@MrChriZ nice work!

I haven't tried it yet, but I believe you need the in-element polyfill: https://github.com/kaliber5/ember-in-element-polyfill#readme

MrChriZ commented 6 years ago

Thanks - I did have a go with the polyfill as well but couldn't seem to get anywhere with it. Probably was missing something obvious.

MrChriZ commented 6 years ago

RuzlanZavacy mentioned liquid-fire above. I'm also using this and thought I'd also just mention that I needed to kill some of liquid-fires built in CSS Like so:

.liquid-container {
  position: initial;

  -webkit-transform: initial;
  -moz-transform: initial;
  transform: initial;

These were causing the photoswipe animation to start in the wrong place. In my case this doesn't seemed to have caused any issues - however I've not done extensive browser testing as yet so YMMV.

Additional note. Ember wormhole and Liquid fire don't seem to work well together :-1: The wormhole stops working after a transition.

MrChriZ commented 6 years ago

The polyfill wasn't compatible with the latest version of Ember - this has now been fixed.

With a little help from the author of the in-element polyfill I managed to get in-element working - removing the need for ember-wormhole: https://github.com/MrChriZ/ember-cli-photoswipe/tree/useInElement

I have a bug I'm still thinking about which is that the consuming application has to manually add the polyfill in:

ember install ember-in-element-polyfill

I have the polyfill as a dependency rather than a dev dependency in ember-cli-photoswipe... and as such the polyfill installs with ember-cli-photoswipe... but then doesn't seem to get picked up by the browser. Manually installing the polyfill on the consuming application fixes the problem :confused:

Unfortunately... in-element doesn't solve the Liquid-fire problem. :grimacing: