Open satadhi4alumnux opened 1 year ago
Hello, Can you please explain they need of code line,
if ($filter, '_id')) { sAdditionIntoContext = sAdditionIntoContext.length > 0 ? '(' + sAdditionIntoContext + ')/$entity' : '/$entity' out['@odata.context'] = cfg.serviceUrl + '/$metadata#' + req.params.collection + sAdditionIntoContext if (result.length > 0) { for (const key in result[0]) { out[key] = result[0][key] }
I check in the OData docs, but I don't see the need of this. Can you please explain the reason behind this logic ?
Hello, Can you please explain they need of code line,
I check in the OData docs, but I don't see the need of this. Can you please explain the reason behind this logic ?